We have had non stop rain, this is the 4th day of non stop rain in louisiana.
I was able to take the airplane into my shop and assemble it.
I then lifted the tail with blocks, until the top of the fuselage was level. Then I obtained the incidence meter, and made measurements.
The right stab/elevator was at ZERO.
the left elevator was at +0.5 degrees (up elevator)
the left and right wings were checked at the tips, mid wing, and root, and all were zero.
I then readjusted the left stab. Still have not flown it since doing this. Maybe this wednesday, if there is no rain.
The problem at flight was the left wing was dropping and after pulling out of a dive, and with the spin entry, it also wanted to drop to left side, and during level flight, the airplane had a tendency to want to roll to the left, very very minimal.
also, when doing a downline with no power, the airplane would roll to the left about 20 degrees over a 200 feet distance.
We will see if this fixes the problem!