640cc Uber Pimp
It depends. Are you painting the silver pinstripe or using tape? If your painting it than I would spray some silver in the area where the stripe goes, then after it dries lay fine lines tape over the area you want to stay silver then spray white. You can spray the whole cowl white since red covers over white very well, and the white shouldn't have any trouble covering the silver. Then mask the areas you want to stay white. If you used the right size tape when you masked for your silver stripe then the red area is basically already masked. Spray the red then cover that and spray the purple last. I think that is the order I would use. Hopefully I didn't make it to confusing.I guess I need to start figuring out how to mask off the different sectors for the paint scheme. According to the full scale "Miss Maggie", It looks like I need to lay down the white first, then the Pearl Purple and finally the Flame Red. Ugh, Not looking forward to this. LOL
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Anyone have some suggestions on proper procedure? Umm....Uh, @Jetpainter? What say you?