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Scale Pitts S1-T, S1-S, and a Challenger.


640cc Uber Pimp
And the other half done of the bottom wing done. I need to take the top wing outside and finish up the abutting surfaces. Problem is it has been drizzling all day, not good to be in with balsa. So, if there is not a break in the rain before sunset it will have to wait until tomorrow.


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640cc Uber Pimp
And the top wing joint fit being perfected. Paper doubled over, wing drawn up tight, the same epoxy and micro balloon mixture, should make for a perfectly fitted joint.


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It has taken most of the day, but, the top is finally ready for covering. The reason for sooooooo much more care on this wing is the top of the top wing is out there in the wide open, extremely visible to light and angles. Second is because one thing I can't stand to see is a nice model with a big ass gap at the wing joint. So, there you have it. I doubt it will get covered today, but, definitely will tomorrow.


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640cc Uber Pimp
After the above post I took a short trip, upon returning I got bored so I jumped on the wing. The top right half is covered with exception of the aileron.


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The last wing section has been covered. I have to do the two ailerons and then mount everything on it's corresponding stand. There is a very good possibility the will be some spraying this afternoon through evening. I would like to get the Polybrush and Polyspray done today, that would mean come Monday I could start the colors.


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The last two ailerons are covered. Now to clean up and put everything on the stands. If it cool's down a bit, and it should around 4ish, I'll get some spraying done.


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I have everything mounted or hanging with exception of the fuse. Apparently I don't have the nose block I made for mine here and I am out of energy. The wife will be here tomorrow through Sunday so it will be Monday that some spraying goes on. On the positive side of her being here, other than the obvious, I can get some work done on mine as some of it requires a helping hand.


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640cc Uber Pimp
On my Pitts I finally got to ground run the three blade prop, woo hoo. It ran 3900 rpm om the ground which is great to me and the pull felt about the same as the two blade. Also the smoke inlet showed not loss of rpm's but did still affect the sound, but I can live with the sound. If nothing come's up I am going flying tomorrow and hopefully the wife will shoot some vid and take pics.


640cc Uber Pimp
I got at it early this morning, first up was to remove everything unnecessary within reason and clean the room. The removing and cleaning has taken a bit as well as making the stands for the cowl, pants, and wing servo plates. Here it is, everything is ready. I will take a break and being as it is already hot I am making a screened cover for the fan so to paint later into the evening. Next post will contain parts color on them.


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