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3D Rebuilding the Compy MX2.

Uh ohhhhhh........ I forgot that I sold the wheels and axles off the MX2. So a quick order to Tower for some sweet DuBro 4.5" tars and 3/16" axles will make it sit better! Then Wed, I will mount the JJ tailwheel assembly.

I think some 6-32 screws will hold the tail wheel assembly on well with some brass inserts. Screw blind nuts.


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Having to pay $2400 in taxes this year really hurt me. Since this is already paid for, Im gonna complete it and fly it some. The Dalton and the Carden both need paint work, but that will have to wait. Or Im going to have to sell off something.


These things really do go together fast, once you have all the pieces laid out in front of you. I remember my first composite plane.. it was an Edge from a CARF knock-off company. I stared at it for several days trying to decide whether or not to cut holes in it for switches. Now, you just get out a marker and the dremel and jump in! Composites may not be as light, but I still like the low maintenance, the finish of the planes, and knowing that they'll fly true and straight, all the way to the day I crash them!