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3D Restoring The Yak


I like 'em "BIG"!
Git r done.
Trying..but it's that damn four letter word that keeps me from making great strides. You know, the one that starts with a "W" and ends with a "K"? Ugh....

I will be getting home later in the day on Friday this week. I plan to wind down the week with getting my iron warm and getting my cowl on. Oh my...sounds like a party phrase huh? LOL..... Trim scheme to go on the fuse this weekend. Stay tuned.....


I like 'em "BIG"!
Ok.., so I was able to get a little more covering done today. I started on the left side of the fuse with the accent stripes. I figured the best way to get things lined up and correct was to put the new cowl on and use it for a guide. Hey, that just might work...is what I was thinking.


Once the cowl was installed I decided to start with the most prominent color. This being the black. I overlapped the cowl just a bit so I was sure I would have enough to wrap around and seal into the forward cowl ring former.


Once the black was down, next came the silver and green stripes. I wasn't kidding when I said the covering kit was a jigsaw puzzle. I spent the better part of two cups of coffee figuring out which piece went where. LOL. All in good time though, it was not so difficult with the help of the photo from Pilot's web site. Man, that helped a heap.

4.jpg 5.jpg 6.jpg 7.jpg 9.jpg

And at last, I am a little closer to having the fuse done. I probably won't be able to do much on it the rest of the weekend. But will get back to it as soon as I have more time.



Damn I'm hungry
Oh! sweet molly gosh al mighty! PICTURES!:).

Looking like Tony would pat you on the back and say "Well Done". Doing a great job Rob. Me personally.......I can't even wear lipstick straight.......But why would I want too???:laughing:. Oh! I know why........When I Pit Bitch.
Ok @stangflyer , I've got an all white 90~120 Show Time I'm wanting to start putting graphics on and I'm not sure how to go about it. Are your graphics precut monokote or other material, do you have any advice? I'm watching your forum intently! :banana-dance:


I like 'em "BIG"!
Ok @stangflyer , I've got an all white 90~120 Show Time I'm wanting to start putting graphics on and I'm not sure how to go about it. Are your graphics precut monokote or other material, do you have any advice? I'm watching your forum intently! :banana-dance:
Hey...the accent colors are precut Ultracote to match the cowl. Later after the covering is all done I plan to add vinyl graphics to the fuse and wings. Not too many though. I don't care too much for a cluttered up look. The covering is really not too difficult to lay over existing covering. A couple of hints to help would be one, make sure your base covering is down really well and heat gun stretched. No sags, wrinkles or creases. Then two, turn your covering iron down till it is just warm enough to activate the adhesive of your accent covering. I usually hand stretch the accent covering, then tape it down at both ends. I start in the middle and use semi half moon waves to lay it down. Once in place, turn the heat up just a smidgen to seal it to the base covering and boom...done.

If you plan to use vinyl graphics, plan out your layup in advance. Also starting from the center, gently lay down the vinyl and use a soft squeegee to push it into place. This helps keep the air bubbles out.

Thanks for keeping tabs on this thread.:way_to_go:
Oh! sweet molly gosh al mighty! PICTURES!:).

Looking like Tony would pat you on the back and say "Well Done". Doing a great job Rob. Me personally.......I can't even wear lipstick straight.......But why would I want too???:laughing:. Oh! I know why........When I Pit Bitch.
Well, the crooked lipstick matches your running mascara and smeared eye liner. :spongebob:
Seriously Kelly...I've seen your craftmanship. You're no slouch there pal.

Going to try to get a little more of the right side done before I leave today. Heck, may even take the stabs/elevators with me this time. Will give me something to do whilst sitting at the Hotel. Better than watching the idiot box. Lol:lol2: