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Yea its that good, and that's only after 6 flights. Its like if you mixed An Edge with a MXS.

Only thing I didn't do as good or better with it was rolling harriers. I think its where I have my other planes set to 65-85 degrees of throw and with lower expo than what I was flying with today and im not used to moving the sticks that far. I'm sure after 20 or so flights that'll change.

Pretty sure I got my CG lined out already. KE with no elevator but I did have just a tab of roll coupling. I did this awesome Deathslide and brought it around 360 to about 7-8 ft. from the ground. Pop-tops are just ridiculous, I know I had a big smile every time I did one, and I did quite a few. Felt like I was on a simulator when doing torque rolls. Actually a lot of flying on the Slick felt like simulator, its floaty when you want that and violent when you feeling mean. Harriers, hovers, torque rolls, elevators almost feel like your flying a 3d trainer, especially after having flown some of the other 48's I have. Very relaxing.

Speaking of mean, that Motrolfly 3615 is freaking awesome. I should have flown the Hacker just to get a comparison. the Align esc is REALLY smooth, I think I actually like it better than the CC. It I was scoring them it would be really close. Sweet thing is I only have $40 in the Align.

Pretty predictable plane. Next time out im gonna bump expo down alil and go thru the trim chart. I almost bought the Slick as my first balsa back around the first of the year, instead of the Edge. I wish I had. I had a "big" plane in mind to save up for, but I think I would like to try out a big Slick first. If they fly anything like this ill stick with Slicks. The 51 does fly bigger than my other planes.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Good report... sound hooked ;) I gotta say... the 70 flies like a slick too :) I love mine on the dle 35. I keep thinking Ill try something else... but I'm hooked on slickness :D


I finally got a chance to fly my 71" Slick yesterday and was smiling the whole time. Until my last flight of the day I was screaming down the runway and pulled vertical to do a pop top. It was awesome!!!! Probably best of the day, but on the final rotation on the top side I heard a "POP!" then the plane came down in a violent spin I was able to flatten it out and harrier it down until I lost sight over a hill only to land in a bunch of blackberry bushes. Much to my surprise the only damage was a broken prop and some damage to the left forward fuse from where the left wing hit and pushes it in.
The cause of the mishap was the right wing bolt coming loose causing the right wing to separate and rotate on the wing tube. I really had the sickness after that! ImageUploadedByTapatalk1372076298.533881.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1372076329.656844.jpg


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I finally got a chance to fly my 71" Slick yesterday and was smiling the whole time. Until my last flight of the day I was screaming down the runway and pulled vertical to do a pop top. It was awesome!!!! Probably best of the day, but on the final rotation on the top side I heard a "POP!" then the plane came down in a violent spin I was able to flatten it out and harrier it down until I lost sight over a hill only to land in a bunch of blackberry bushes. Much to my surprise the only damage was a broken prop and some damage to the left forward fuse from where the left wing hit and pushes it in.
The cause of the mishap was the right wing bolt coming loose causing the right wing to separate and rotate on the wing tube. I really had the sickness after that!View attachment 9648View attachment 9649

Gee, bummer on the crash but the fix doesn't look too bad. Have you decided whether the wing bolt broke or if the blind nut failed or just what happened?

My 70 slick has bounced back from way worse than that... I'm sure you will have it up and rdy to fly again shortly.


I have the Aluminum Spot-on wing bolts from Aztec and I assume I did not have it tight enough and it vibrated loose and came off. I guess it fell out of the plane because I could not find it. Partly my fault, it was my 5th flight and I should have checked them.
You are correct. The repairs should not be bad just finding the time...


Just got back from the field. I put seven flights on the 51 Slick today and if my ears weren't there to stop it, my smile would have gone all the way around my head. What a confidence inspiring plane! And the way is just ignores wind is amazing.

Man, I got the sickness bad!

I was able to fly my new 51 Slick (I gave the old one away) on Saturday and it was like visiting an old friend...felt very comfortable and content. Got applauses from spectators, wind didn't really matter (15-20mph), had so much fun. Glad to hear you got the sickness, Pontus!