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You could splice into the extension and use a multi meter. My large planes pull about a 1/2 amp at full deflection so I would look for something less. If you have a bind it is most likely the control rod. Remove all parts and play with every thing until u find the bind, if you have one...

im getting like .56amps at max deflection. it stays pretty low from 0-38 degrees of throw. then about 38-40 it jumps to .22 then from about 42-45 it jumps up to .56

ive messed with the control rod and linkages and I can see any binds there. I still think its in the hinges but im a noob so idk really ha :)


not much especially on the very outter edge of the elevator/stab. I had to clean around the very outer hinges also the stab and elevator was CA'd for about 5mm or so on each side of the hinge. with everything unhooked and moving the elevator by hand im getting bevel to bevel right around 43-45 degrees. I can start to feel resistance about 40 degrees.

I did move the linkage in one more hole on the servo arm and at max deflection its reading about .25amps its about .08 till the very last degree or so of throw then it jumps to .25. im still able to get 45 degrees of throw on that hole. actually I think I can get 45 on the shortest hole on the arm.
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If the hinge line isn't straight, I'd redo them, or at least that particular hinge. The part with the least amount of gap will bind before the rest, and restrict your throw.


If the hinge line isn't straight, I'd redo them, or at least that particular hinge. The part with the least amount of gap will bind before the rest, and restrict your throw.

I believe that's whats going on. nothing else really to check, as far as I know. The other hinges on both sides are really tight.

I did move the linkage to the shortest hole on the servo arm and was still able to get 45+ degrees of throw. At 45 degrees the amp draw was around .08-.12 amp but there was still a light buzz and the servo was barely flexing in the servo tray.

Funny thing is, I was messing around with the servo arm removed. I rapidly moved the elevator stick on my Tx up and down. from full up to neutral. the amp reading while I was doing this was around .48amps. that's with no load, arm removed.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I had a blast with my 70" FB slick today! I put 4 flights on it and loved every minute. The DLE 35ra continues to perform well and has really turned into a monster after break-in.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I haven't had a chance to get any good video taken of my plane lately but you can enjoy the last one I did ;)
