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looks like all 4 have a tight hinge gap. after watching ISPmotors build videos he said he likes his 15degrees above recommended throw. which makes sense. plus I like a lot of throw anyways. I know with the 3615 im gonna be wanting to do some stupid stuff as my buddy says.


When I'm gluing hinges, I always get the control surface fitted in place, then deflect it until it the bevel stops it. A drop of thin CA on the exposed hinges, then deflect it the other way until it stops, and dab some CA onto that side of it. That way, you know your hinge gap will allow bevel-to-bevel throw without binding up.


Just got back from the field. I put seven flights on the 51 Slick today and if my ears weren't there to stop it, my smile would have gone all the way around my head. What a confidence inspiring plane! And the way is just ignores wind is amazing.

Man, I got the sickness bad!


Glad to see it fly low. Too bad there wasn't any tail drags :(. At least there was with my 70.
Just got back from the field. I put seven flights on the 51 Slick today and if my ears weren't there to stop it, my smile would have gone all the way around my head. What a confidence inspiring plane! And the way is just ignores wind is amazing.

Man, I got the sickness bad!


Okay. Glad to see some low harriers though. Tail touches can be frightening, especially if you get the slightest wing rock. That is how I broke the 70, let it rock just a little bit.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... You fly lower than me... :) Next time I see you, you'll see tail touches with my 51. OK? :)


well..... rehinged all 4 surfaces, wasn't too bad, as long as they hold bahahaha. will be getting at least 60 on the elevator. 3615 installed, cut 1/8" off wing tube, sealed hinge gaps, soldered connectors on lipos, crimped ball links, modified hole/slot for the elevator/stab, and im sure a few other things I cant remember. So hopefully ill get to maiden the 51 in a few hours. Been a crazy week at work or I would have already flown her.


GSN Contributor
well..... rehinged all 4 surfaces, wasn't too bad, as long as they hold bahahaha. will be getting at least 60 on the elevator. 3615 installed, cut 1/8" off wing tube, sealed hinge gaps, soldered connectors on lipos, crimped ball links, modified hole/slot for the elevator/stab, and im sure a few other things I cant remember. So hopefully ill get to maiden the 51 in a few hours. Been a crazy week at work or I would have already flown her.

Looking forward to hearing about your maiden John. See if you can find someone to take a picture of your slick eating grin after you're done!
