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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I wouldn't say it's boring. We had a guy who did DLG at my club after a rain storm last fall. During his first launch, he slipped and fell backwards in a huge pool of mud. To add insult to injury, his plane came crashing down 10 seconds later and hit him in the head. If that's not entertaining, I don't know what is! :)

I guess it all comes down to presentation! :D


70cc twin V2
would I have to be able to check in every day to do that?...I cant allways check in but I can tell you what the plans are so far for the next couple days...pick up in Blythe, CA tomarow morning at 4 AM pacific then drive to Memphis, TN and deliver by 15:30 local on the 8th