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The 3DRCForums -Discuss Anything Thread-


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Aron it looks like for you to drop by my way you would have to be planning to take I-15 N to I-70 and go through Denver... I'm sure you probably take the most economical way considering fuel and time. If those two constraints ever have you passing through here give me a heads up ;)


I wouldn't say it's boring. We had a guy who did DLG at my club after a rain storm last fall. During his first launch, he slipped and fell backwards in a huge pool of mud. To add insult to injury, his plane came crashing down 10 seconds later and hit him in the head. If that's not entertaining, I don't know what is! :)

Years ago at a small RC field in Illinois, I saw a young guy run out to hand launch a small plane, and he threw the transmitter instead of the plane....and another time tripped over his own feet, and planted the plane nose first into the ground!! Shortly after that, he learned to ROG...