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Nice pic Tim!

Not yet...just have to program servos and that should do it. Having a friend solder deans plugs on my powersafe rx, so I gotta wait til I get that back from him to do it. Thanks for askin!

Ill have it done sometime this month. We wont be flying here in Vermont until april anyways, so I have some time. Been working on my 89" slick and 65" vyper as well!

ooohh...those are awesome airframes as well! I have a 65" Vyper and the 89" Slick is on my wish list...I'd like to see some pics of your Vyper...is it new or have you been flying it for a while?


70cc twin V2
1) robj is either really good or just flies too high. ;)

2) I put a small slice of glow fuel tube behind the washer....the friction keeps the bolts from backing out....no locktite.

Maybe somewhere in the middle...hehe The 72 pants are beat to heck. My last try to keep them on is GG between the gear and pant. I also have a tough time with the 3DHS wheels. A pant busted off the 74 and revealed a fairly new wheel is now missing the inner plastic rim. I seem to break those out all the time. The 87 main wheels are holding up nice, the tail wheel is about worn down.

My rudders and elevators take the real beating.


Funny this came up. Our field is grass and not usually well trimmed. I don't care so much about wearing pants, ask my wife, but I do not want to get stuck in a rut on taxi or dump the prop on landing. Does anyone run super cub wheels on their 3dhs planes when running on grass? I'm worried most about my 42 slick but also the others.



Here are a couple pics of the vyper...its the 65" as well. Will be on 6s with a hacker and CC 100esc.
Ive had it since fall, but still havent flown it. The build is taking longer that expected due to other planes:) It needs two aileron servos and thats all. Winter here in Vermont, it's tough for me to maiden outdoors something that nice ya know? It can wait another month or so. One thing this hobby has taught me is patience. lol


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Ive got a buddy out there who flies in Schaumburg. Ned Brown field. Ill be heading out there this summer to fly and watch the Chicago Air show. We should get together and fly! Ive got my 3dhs 74 Edge there at his house ill let you fly:) That plane is fun!


70cc twin V2
Looking good Dan! I got out of helis before the FBL craze.. How do you like it?

Thanks man! LOL I posted this in the wrong thread, sorry guys :eek:

But yeah FBL is great, I really can't tell you how the difference feels though, I've never flown either that much at all yet, LOL!




3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I'm running large wheels and no pants on my 70" slick because I fly in thick grass at the turf farm quite often.


hey i was wondering if you guys could tell me if the LG from the 3dhs epp extra or yak would work with the buck 50 edge?