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Scale Wendell Hostetler 30% PA-28 Cherokee Build


I seen this on YouTube and thought I might try it on the the Cherokee, Assan AG61 anti slip nose wheel gyro. It has two inputs, rudder and gear so when the gear is up it shuts the nose wheel servo off. Thinking how I might do this in OpenTX. Thinking using the flap function but I don't always use flaps for take off. From what I seen on YouTube it seems to work rather well. Still pecking away.


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I seen this on YouTube and thought I might try it on the the Cherokee, Assan AG61 anti slip nose wheel gyro. It has two inputs, rudder and gear so when the gear is up it shuts the nose wheel servo off. Thinking how I might do this in OpenTX. Thinking using the flap function but I don't always use flaps for take off. From what I seen on YouTube it seems to work rather well. Still pecking away.

That's a neat product. I'm sure with OpenTX you wouldn't need to use the flaps function. If it where me I would just set it up the same way I do a throttle cut using the special functions section. So for me the only plane I have with a nose wheel is my Eflite Habu STS. Rudder is plugged into channel 4 and the nose wheel is in channel 5. I would go to special functions and first select my gear switch for when the gear is up. Then I would tell it to override channel 5 and to override it to 0. While this wouldn't power down the servo it would center the nose wheel and keep it from moving for as long as the gear is up.


I would like to do it without using another switch and one more thing to think about. SA -Flaps, SB - Ignition, SC - Rates, SD - Stabilizer, SF - Choke, SG - Stabilizer, SH - Lights. I can put the gear down function when the flaps are deployed, thinking of using a greater than on the throttle for some time duration would set gear up an turn the servo off in the gyro. Might be able to use the acceleration telemetry functions out of the receiver, I need to fly the plane and study the telemetry values.
I seen this on YouTube and thought I might try it on the the Cherokee, Assan AG61 anti slip nose wheel gyro. It has two inputs, rudder and gear so when the gear is up it shuts the nose wheel servo off. Thinking how I might do this in OpenTX. Thinking using the flap function but I don't always use flaps for take off. From what I seen on YouTube it seems to work rather well. Still pecking away.

Wouldn't a simple micro switch accomplish the same thing for no more than a buck?

Gear up engages the switch which breaks the red wire on a servo extension (so you don't cut up the lead in the servo itself).
Also follows the KISS principle.


If I can do it in OpenTX in will not require any additional hardware switches and thought. When the flaps are deployed will act as the gear down command and eanble the servo. I'm thinking gear up command will be some value of the x axis acceleration along with throttle opening and time, something like x axis acceleration great then 1.0 and throttle greater than 50% and 50 second timer. Of course I need to fly the model to determine the actual range of these values. The other good thing is that the gear up command puts the servo in the neutral position and would keep it there during the flight.
In the process of mounting the receivers and making the terminations, maybe a week from next Saturday. Putting the Roto 85 on the shelf kind of zapped the drive to finish the model quickly.


I was hoping to maiden the Cherokee this weekend but those dreams quickly vanished while programing the servos for 100% stick travel at the desired surface defection. The flap servo on the right wing shorted out. As you may remember I did not install access doors so this required cutting open the wing. The servos are new Hitec D945TW servos, not their highest end but still $140 each at Servo City. I had bought the servos during their annual Black Friday sale, 20% off. You can see the bottom case is melted.
I had all the wiring wire tied real nice but ripped it apart to troubleshoot the failed servo, didn't know if it was a wiring problem or the actual servo. I'm left with the rats nest!. There is quite a bit of wire with 13 radio channels used, SBUS connection, telemetry wiring, plus 5 light wiring. The engine temperature sensors are connected to the spark plugs. I don't plan to duct the cooling air since it is entering at the cowl openings and exiting behind the cylinders, will be motoring the temps closely in the beginning.
I ordered a new servo this morning and sent the failed servo back to Hitec under warranty. I wish that Xpress was still around to get his view point.
