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Pilot RC 122" Extra 330SC

Joe Hunt

I've been very interested in this particular plane. The scheme is very pretty. I've been told it flies amazing and like @Spats pointed out, the most stable harrier plane out there. Seriously looking at the 100cc version as a replacement 'frame for the PAU 300. If it flies "anything" like my 260, I'm in for sure.

Yup, I'm looking at a 100cc next and this one might be it!

Joe Hunt

I would really like to see up close photos of the inside of the airframe. Showing how it's designed, layed out and overall assembly quality. Any chance you'll post a couple of shots?

AbsoFnlootly! haha Hopefully tomorrow.

I spent the afternoon taking my Hitec BL servos out of the Yak, so I can put them in the Extra. Hitec still does not have stock, nor an ETA, on the BL servos.


Yeah, they don't skimp on the rudder :mario-banana:

I add hard wood to the bottom of the rudder for the control horns on push/pull.

Joe Hunt

Yeah, they don't skimp on the rudder :mario-banana:

I add hard wood to the bottom of the rudder for the control horns on push/pull.

I'm so glad you guys that have Pilots are participating in this thread and helping me! Do you have any pics of how you did the hardwood, Spats?

Joe Hunt

Are you freaking kidding me? WOW!!
Any inside fuse pictures yet?

Today's the day. haha I've been busy stripping down the Yak airframe to sell, and I stripped down the Sukhoi airframe to sell, too. Yak is sold, but The Suk airframe is going up for sale, local pickup.

The plan for this afternoon is pictures and the goal is wings ready to fly. And, hopefully at least take a look at what needs to be done to run RE3 tune pipes...

Also gonna see if there's a way to make a 7018sb look neat on top of a Smart-Fly power expander competition 12 plus. F'n Futaba trick'n me into thinking the 7018sb would be a high current RX (with its 18 channels and Dean's Ultra connectors).