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Scale BUSA Super Cub


I'll keep you in mind Snoop.
First job for the rotary table. Had to elongate the prop bolt holes in the back plate, was drilled on a 28 mm bolt circle, the Roto 85 are on 32 mm bolt circle. Turned a piece of steel to fit the back plate center hole, was .395", then drilled and reamed to 1/4" diameter and pushed a 1/4" pin in to fit the hole in the table. It ran out at .003", was OK with that.



Been masking off the next color session. hopefully will put the color to it on Friday, going flying tomorrow. Was out yesterday and had about five flights, practicing the various maneuver's for the upcoming scale competition. The figure eight is a real tuff maneuver to fly. I got a lot of work to do!


The white is on, one more painting session and assembly can begin. A little history about the N number, it was shown on Piper Super Cub advertisements both photo and artist renditions. A Google search reveals the plane was lost in August 1964 in Michigan while crop dusting.
