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  1. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    I'm running out of spares LOL. +1 for the O ring tool from TH. :) I'm not very smart flying over the road. Need to stay over the grass. Doug B.
  2. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    I must resist flying over pavement, I must resist flying over pavement ... :o Especially on a day when I'm pushing my skillz. :( Doug B.
  3. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    Great to hear! Glad you like it. :) Doug B.
  4. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    Looks great! Doug B.
  5. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    Not disagreeing, the small parts can be a pain. Especially if you have health challenges. (Wow Mike! broken back!? Ouch!) Just saying the larger aircraft are a bit easier. LOL, that's a bit too much wind for foam I think. Doug B.
  6. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    LOL, I only bought 2 :) Control rods are easier on the big boy than a 32". Exception being the MXS-C, it's easy cheesy. Doug B.
  7. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    Wahoo, you bought the other scheme. Now we can fly together without getting confused. LOL :D Doug B.
  8. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    Thanks! Was a beautiful day, had to get a shot of some blue sky. :) Doug B.
  9. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    Six flights today with blue sky, 71F and almost calm. Ahhh, life is good. Bummer that wind quit and mosquitoes showed up. Argh. Sorry to hear weather didn't cooperate for all Twisted pilots today. Doug B.
  10. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    Wait for me! Guess I'd better get away from the computer and taxes. Have some wind today so might be a 39" day or just thrash on the MXS-C. :D Doug B.
  11. dougb

    Eugene, Oregon Monster Fest/3DBASH August 21st-23rd 2015!!

    I would like to attend however have a Warbird event to prepare for the following week. We'll see. Doug B.
  12. dougb

    NEW Twisted Hobbys 39" Crack Yak WOW

    Thanks :) You'll like it. It handles wind quite nicely and looks huge in the sky after flying a 32" TH plane. :D Doug B.
  13. dougb

    NEW Twisted Hobbys 39" Crack Yak WOW

    Really liking the big Yak :D Doug B.
  14. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    Taught my oldest son to fly. Very proficient but he discovered girls and motorcycles. LOL Doug B.
  15. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    Ya Mike, it's all about balance. Cyberspace is good, the real world is good. Hard to strike a balance sometimes. Doug B.
  16. dougb

    NEW Twisted Hobbys 39" Crack Yak WOW

    Wahoo! I like space & electricity. :) Doug B.
  17. dougb

    NEW Twisted Hobbys 39" Crack Yak WOW

    Sounds great to me. I'll bring TH foam so no runway needed. :) Doug B.
  18. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    Feel your pain. My son's passed on RC as well. As a kid I couldn't get enough RC ... as an adult too. LOL Doug B.
  19. dougb

    NEW Twisted Hobbys 39" Crack Yak WOW

    ROFL :D Thanks much. Yes, my videos are a clue to my actual location. No worries. Ya, Wenatchee RAF is a sweet field. Next time I'm in Moses Lake I should just keep wandering North and say "hi". Doug B.