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Search results

  1. dougb

    NEW Twisted Hobbys 39" Crack Yak WOW

    Hey neighbor! You'll like the 39" big Yak. :) I've run mine into the powerlines already. It's tough. Doug B. Richland, WA
  2. dougb

    Twisted Hobbys Owner's Thread!!

    Always great customer service from Twisted Hobbys. :) Doug B.
  3. dougb

    NEW Twisted Hobbys 39" Crack Yak WOW

    Fun in the wind with the big Yak :) Doug B. http://youtu.be/GMIIw-Cv96s
  4. dougb

    Are you waiting for that plane to be back in stock? Wondering where the heck it is?

    Dougbo I would say hit the nail on the head! Thanks Mike :) Doug B.
  5. dougb

    Are you waiting for that plane to be back in stock? Wondering where the heck it is?

    From what I have read it boils down to money & power. Hard to believe everything you read so I'm not sure but given human nature ... probably money & power. LOL Doug B.
  6. dougb

    32" MXS-C! Backyard insanity!

    MXS-C low and slow in the wind :) Doug B. http://youtu.be/mE2wMaForJw
  7. dougb

    Bavarian Demon Cortex

    YellowJacketsRC knows his stuff on the Cortex. I used his posts to guide my setup. As far as numbers, start with stock and go from there. Like a heli flight controller, gain depends on aircraft size, flight style and servos. I'd say it almost doubles the size of the airplane, maybe 1.5x...
  8. dougb

    NEW Twisted Hobbys 39" Crack Yak WOW

    TH 39" big Crack Yak durability testing :D Doug B. http://youtu.be/qUYCAmN1sCY
  9. dougb

    Bavarian Demon Cortex

    I should mention that I'm using the Cortex in a EF 48" Edge. My goals were twofold: fly no mater what the wind was doing and get a bigger plane feel in a thrifty, no fear airframe. Doug B.
  10. dougb

    Bavarian Demon Cortex

    Cortex will wiggle the surfaces when it is happy although I double check the LED. You could just pick up the tail and move it. You'll see the Cortex compensate for yaw or pitch. Gain channel on a 3 position switch. Using servo travel as an example: travel value below neutral = gain 1...
  11. dougb

    Tri-Cities Huckfest 2015 Sept 10-13 (Richland, Washington)

    I was asked to clarify the situation. As Herve stated this is a different event with different people hosting it. We kept the Huckfest theme because it's familiar and sets the tone for the event. The Tri-Cities Huckfest promises to be similar but different. Possibly better in ways...
  12. dougb

    Article: DOC AUSTIN - Testing: Hi Tec's New HS5070MH Servos

    Yes, thanks for the encouragement. I have the servos, just need to install them. LOL Doug B.
  13. dougb

    Tri-Cities Huckfest 2015 (Washington)

    Thanks. OK, I'll copy your text and post it on all of my event threads. I think most folks realize that e-mail is not 100% reliable. You did not reply to my e-mail or Clark's. You did reply to my PM. Thank you. If I had needed immediate assistance I would have called you. I didn't think...
  14. dougb

    Weatronic bat 64 transmitter

    If you look to the computer industry, open source isn't the answer to all problems. I agree it has many advantages. I'm not sure how it will play out in RC especially with more "non-hobbyist" users now that sUAV's are going big time. One other interesting tidbit is that FrSky seems to be...
  15. dougb

    Weatronic bat 64 transmitter

    Watching this one for a while, very nice
  16. dougb

    32" MXS-C! Backyard insanity!

    Sick of being sick so RC + cold meds + beautiful day = RC shenanigans Doug B.
  17. dougb

    Tri-Cities Huckfest 2015 (Washington)

    Guess I'm just slow. As some say, ignorance is bliss. Doug B.
  18. dougb

    Tri-Cities Huckfest 2015 (Washington)

    Yup, I get it. Doug B.
  19. dougb

    Tri-Cities Huckfest 2015 Sept 10-13 (Richland, Washington)

    Updated post #1 with some background and new info. Doug B.