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Search results

  1. Bartman

    BVMjets.com Plug-And-Play Jets!

    Just getting started posting photos from Florida Jetweek 2016. BVM Jets caught my attention with their line of Plug-n-Play fueled turbine jet aircraft. They're somewhere between an ARF and a RTF kit with a lot of the complex systems already installed in an airframe that is physically complete...
  2. Bartman

    Want the most up to date Florida Jets coverage available?

    Guys and gals, It's called Twitter and it's easy to sign up. Once you do you'll get our photos and short videos that we'll be posting from the Florida Jets event all day tomorrow! Go to Twitter.com Set up your account Login and search for @GiantScaleNews Hit the Follow button and then keep an...
  3. Bartman

    Palm Beach RC Assc.

    Who's flying at the Palm Beach RCA field? A friend of mine has been hanging out there the last couple of months and he keeps calling to tell me about the insane 3D guys flying at the field. Apparently there's a young guy there too that's shredding it on the weekends. So let's hear what you...
  4. Bartman


    Guys and gals, Been working on a plan to have a lot more time to spend on GSN, it's falling into place just can't say yet what it is. Sorry the homepage hasn't been updated lately but trying to make it to Lakeland this week for Red Flag/Florida Jets. Might not make it there for the Red Flag...
  5. Bartman

    What's it worth? 3W 100i-B2 w/ DA ignition & mufflers

    Folks, I'm clearing out stuff to get bills paid once and for all! Anything that isn't flying this spring is going up for sale. I've got this 3W 100i-B2, it seems fine but I haven't run it, it came with a Carden 35% Cap that I bought only to figure out after the fact that the airframe needed...
  6. Bartman

    New 5 Part series on Discovery, Age of Aerospace

    https://press.discovery.com/us/sci/press-releases/2016/age-aerospace-explores-space-technology-advan-3746/ http://theageofaerospace.com/ It starts this weekend! I was starting to get really tired of politics, gold mining and pawn shop shows (no offense @pawnshopmike !)!!
  7. Bartman

    News From AMA

    Just arrived via email; Dear AMA members, We have good news to share. Last night, the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in the House of Representatives passed the Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization (AIRR) Act, which preserves and strengthens the Special Rule for Model...
  8. Bartman

    Who makes custom mufflers?

    Just wondering who makes custom mufflers? Possibly need a set for my BME102 as the stock ones are really tight to the carb and throttle pushrod. Any idea how much for a twin? Thanks! Bart
  9. Bartman

    A quick reminder

    Hi everyone, Just a quick reminder, we're here every day because we like the friendly community and because we love to fly giant scale rc planes (and sometimes helicopters, and maybe cars, and an occasional slimer but I digress). It happens from time to time that people wander in and post...
  10. Bartman

    Win a Hangar 9 60cc Corsair!

    Contest is being run to raise money for the Scale Nationals http://nasascale.org/raffle.htm
  11. Bartman

    ExtremeFlightRC.com, Motor Prop Adapter Product Alert

    Chris Hinson just posted this; OUTLAW MOTOR PROP ADAPTER BOLT MEMO Good afternoon. We've had several reports of the prop adapter bolts on the new Xpwr 3520 shearing off (Outlaw motor). Upon investigating this further we've found that the factory included a sub par set of bolts with the motors...
  12. Bartman

    February, 2016 Update from GiantScaleNews.com

    If any of the links don't work or images don't load, click here to see the full version in a new browser window What's on your bench? If you're like me you fly, crash, rebuild, fly some more, crash some more, but then probably rebuild a little less than the time before. Whatever's left...
  13. Bartman

    Israel IMAC Contest, April 15-16

    I'll try to be there but just in case I miss it, here's the info, I recommend flying United Airlines to Tel Aviv from Newark International Airport!!
  14. Bartman

    Improving Video Footage

    Hi everyone, This is off-topic as far as our planes go but on topic for those of you that enjoy shooting video footage at events and when you're at your local flying fields. I'm posting this because it's good info, doesn't cost much, and because I'm wearing one of our new embroidered golf...
  15. Bartman

    New Moderator, cbarnes0061 (aka Chris) !!!

    So I saw this afternoon that an oil thread was circulating again Or; The spammers are getting out of control and I'm ready to wave the white flag and hand the site over to them and their body plumping products. Either way, Chris Barnes has been very active here for a while now and has been...
  16. Bartman

    Joe Nall 2016, Official Noise Policy?

    I went looking but couldn't find it, is there an official policy somewhere regarding noise levels of fueled aircraft engines/props? Thanks! Bart
  17. Bartman

    Saito 61cc Four Stroke Gas Engine, NEW!

    Click HERE for manufacturer's product page Release date hasn't been published yet, pre-orders are being taken. Type: 4-stroke Airplane Displacement: 3.72 cu. in. (60.9 cc) Bore: 1.46 in (37.2 mm) Stroke: 1.10 in (28.0 mm) Cylinder Type: Ringed, Chromed Aluminum Cylinders: Twin Plug Type...
  18. Bartman

    New!! Great Planes 30cc Avistar Sport/Trainer

    This giant keeps growing with you. Add the Avistar 30cc/EP to your hangar today for giant-scale sport training — and it will continue giving you new opportunities to try optional flaps, floats, and even sailplane towing. Easy to fly for less experienced pilots, yet with the power and...
  19. Bartman

    JR 9503, Programming a Mix

    Is there anyone here that understands how to program a mix in a JR 9503 radio? I've got a build going where there will be four servos in the wings on four separate channels, one per aileron and one per flap. Before I commit to a new receiver I'd like to see if the flaps and ailerons can be set...
  20. Bartman

    Special Order--Embroidered Golf Shirts

    Just want to put this out there, if you ever want to look fly, you've got to dress fly! Joe Hunt and I are going to look fly in our new GiantScaleNews.com embroidered golf shirts and if you want in on it, now's your chance. The order is going in this week and here are the details....... We're...