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Search results

  1. SleepyC

    Aeroworks 4th of July Sale!

    SAVE 15% off all in stock airplanes! www.Aero-Works.net
  2. SleepyC

    For Sale Futaba R3008SB 2.4GHz T-FHSS 8/32-Channel S.BUS2 HV Telemetry Receiver

    Hey guys, brand new Futaba R3008SB Receiver. Futaba R3008SB 2.4GHz T-FHSS 8/32-Channel S.BUS2 HV Telemetry Receiver This is the Futaba R3008SB 2.4Ghz T-FHSS 8-Channel Telemetry Receiver. This receiver features bi-directional communication with a T-FHSS Air-2GHz Futaba transmitter using the...
  3. SleepyC


    Hey guys, I have (7) SeCraft JR Servo Arms. (4) are the V3 1.5" and (3) are 2" V2 arms. In great shape, splines are perfect and tight. $50 shipped (in US) for all (7) Arms!
  4. SleepyC

    2015 FBI CornHuck Coverage by "The Law and Terry"

    Hey guys, I know these two are tired and heading home, but they promised me they have a TON of awesome pictures and videos that they will be posting soon. They are crushing it as official GSN contributors and Bart and I can't say thank you enough! From all reports the 2015 FBI Cornhusk was OFF...
  5. SleepyC

    I guess he didn't like it, WOAH....

    Um.... mad? Bad flight? Bad performance?
  6. SleepyC

    Love's me some Carbon Fiber, but have I gone too far?

    Nothing lets you get your day started faster than this baby!
  7. SleepyC

    RC Propeller Database by Lojik

    Hey guys a while back we asked if someone would take on the task of creating a propeller database and GSN member @Lojik from Australia took up the task and did it! In fact he created an entire website! SO please join me in thanking him and upload some prop/engine combo data!! RC Propeller...
  8. SleepyC

    RED FLAG - ALL JET event coming to Lakeland Florida’s Paradise Field

    COMING: OCTOBER 29-31 2015 Red Flag is, and will be, a lot of things but it may be easiest to explain some things it is “Not”, or “Will Not” be! For example, it is not for the timid, it is not for the procrastinator; it is not for the average guy and is not for “non-competitive” modelers. RED...
  9. SleepyC

    Mrs. Ratt presents.... Rattfest 2015

    Rattfest 2015 When: July 11 Where: Eagle Squadron RC Club Galion, Ohio Time: 9 am - ? (till you run out of gas) No pilot fees Lunch: 2:30 pm Hamburger and hot dogs will be provided Hello everyone!! Once again my fellow club members at the Eagle Squadron are allowing me to host a fun fly at our...
  10. SleepyC

    Post your best tricks and tips on how to get out to the field!

    Ok, life... life can be a mean SOB, taking way too much time and not allowing enough free time to do the things that you love. Like flying. With family commitments, kids sports and lessons, work, weddings, it can be almost overwhelming! So occasionally you need a good excuse to lay on the loved...
  11. SleepyC

    Horizon Hobby Event Coverage - Horizon AeroTow 2015

    Excellent job guys!
  12. SleepyC

    Bob's Hobby Center Propeller deals!

    Sizzling Summer Sale! Temperatures are rising but prices are falling at Bob's Hobby Center Trends in shopping are changing and we are changing with them. Over the summer we are planning to relocate our business to the center of our building and operate a warehouse/retail style operation. As...
  13. SleepyC

    Last Day to Pre-Reg for the 2015 Cornhuck!

    Hey guys, word just came in that TODAY is the last day you can pre-register for the 2015 Cornhuck... SO DO IT! PRE-REGISTER HERE! This year’s “Cornhuckfest” will be scheduled on June 25-28, 2015. This will be our 5th annual event and it continues to grow each year. This four day event will...
  14. SleepyC


    When people say something is "Done" "Finished" as good as it will ever be, there is someone who says "It can be better". The dude who invented this, is that dude. I know not airplane related, but this is a tool we all use and it's well... just better! AWESOME!
  15. SleepyC

    WOW! QQ Joins Futaba!

    This just in: Futaba welcomes National and World Champion pilot. Quique Somenzini, winner of multiple National and World Championships, is the latest pilot to join the Futaba family! Quique is one of R/C’s most impressive, most popular fliers. He won his first F3A National Championships in...
  16. SleepyC

    Amazing rebates on magnificent flying machines!

    Amazing rebates on magnificent flying machines! Starting today, modelers who purchase any of over 70 qualifying aircraft not only gain a first- class flying machine but a merchandise certificate that’s good for merchandise from over 35 top R/C manufacturers. Rebates on individual aircraft can...
  17. SleepyC

    Please Support the 2016 XFC!

    Ok guys, the Law and Terry Customs KILLED the coverage of the 2015 XFC.... But what is next... Honestly it's up to YOU! Let's make sure the 2016 XFC happens! http://giantscalenews.com/threads/2015-xfc-coverage-by-thelaw.3102/page-4#post-70436 AND.. Also, this video is why I was not doing...
  18. SleepyC

    2015 XFC Winners!

    Congratulations to my friends Gabriel Altuz, Joseph Smith and David MoserFor their finish in order listed at the 2015 XFC. 1: Gabriel Altuz 2: Joe Smith 3: David Moser Congrats to all! Gaby Finally Did It. Yes!!!!!! Final scores and the rest of the order soon!
  19. SleepyC

    2.26M Top Model Ultimate 20-300 Anyone?

    Ok, this is not a new model, but I find it a nice change from what's out there. Anyone have any experience with the Top Model Ultimate? Seems to be a decent construction... Anyone? Check out the pics and even the website! TOP MODEL
  20. SleepyC

    Put your 2015 XFC Pictures and videos HERE!

    Hey guys, I'm heading out tonight to get some time at the 2015 XFC tomorrow, I have a project that I have to do at the XFC that could lead to REALLY cool things for the world of RC... (Can't talk about it yet....) SO... if you are there, or were there or are going there... DUMP SOME PICS HERE...