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Search results

  1. SleepyC

    Horizon Hobby's I Flew Big at Joe Nall 2015 - Video

    This is a cool program. Nice job Horizon!
  2. SleepyC

    GSN Coverage and such.. You all are the Rockstars!

    Hey guys, just wanted to say thanks for everyone posting all of the pictures and videos and stories and Nall experiences and such. It really hit me this year at Nall that GSN is really special. Bart and I had a plan to film each other as we walked around having fun with all of you and make our...
  3. SleepyC

    Awesome "Trailer Plane" the Multiplex - Rockstar

    Everyone knows having a durable foamy in your trailer or at your shop is a must have to keep the thumbs fresh and to keep the fun rolling. Hitec/Multiplex has a good record of making good scale looking planes that fly well, are durable and basically rock. Keeping with that theme they have just...
  4. SleepyC

    FPV NUT SHOT.... If you know cool.. if not SORRY!

    SO... I can be a moron at times. (This year at Nall I was good all week until a sun beaten and un fed Sleepy was fed some 14.4% Stouts by our good friends at a certain servo company.... THOMAS) And in this state, I sometimes come up with something that ends up being truly funny.... and at this...
  5. SleepyC

    The BS that went on at NALL on Friday Night

    So I am finally home, (well I got home around 1pm today but I had to help the wife get the house back into order and spend time with my kids) I log on to see more awesome posted by the GSN family and I see that some ******* ********* were disrespecting Triple Tree. No words... ANGER I can...
  6. SleepyC

    2015 Joer Nall Registered Pilot #1

    Our buddy Pete was registered pilot #1 and Mr. Pat decided to come down and give Pete a suprise. Congrats Pete! Photo's courtesy of Cindy.
  7. SleepyC

    Friday May 15, 2015 Joe Nall

    And....that's a wrap for us at the 2015 Joe Nall. And I am WHOMPED. We had an amazing week down at the greatest place on Earth! And from what Mr. Pat said today it's only going to get better with a new building that will be dedicated to youth education! To everyone that we were able to meet...
  8. SleepyC

    Thursday May 15 Joe Nall 2015

    Well another awesome day was had at the 20154 Joe Nall. More flying, more fun and lots of friendship. I spent the day mostly shooting video and since I'm the only one here, that only left me time to take a few pictures. Then last night, someone thought it was REALLY funny to take my golf cart...
  9. SleepyC

    Wednesday May 14th, 2015 Joe Nall

    Ok guys, sorry for the late report, but this is Horizon Hobby's fault. They sell a thing called a "Whipit" (a tiny DLG) and this is why I'm late... a few wobbly pops and a LOT of fun = a great night, best $60 ever spent and one dead Whipit! (Night flying with only the glow of the rec LED isn't...
  10. SleepyC

    Tuesday May 12th 2015 Joe Nall

    Wow, what a day. I am beat! AND IT's ONLY TUESDAY! Tons of flying going on today, tons of fun and plenty of stories. We saw some awesome planes up at the main flight line, the electric flight line is so packed there is hardly any room for more pilots and the 3D line has been packed since last...
  11. SleepyC

    GSN Exclusive!! limited to 3 DA-300 6 cylinder!!!!

    hey guys just got back from hanging out with the DA boys and bam Brian pulled out a new Bad Ass motor!! A currently limited edition to (3) motors if you want one CALL FAST!!!!! Price is to be determined but it ain't gonna be cheap! Pistons fire front to back with the crank at 120 deg, so it...
  12. SleepyC

    Monday May 11th Joe Nall 2015 Recap

    Ok guys, just got back to the room after a full day of fun. Had the chance to hang out with a ton of old friends, made a pile of new ones and generally had a great time. First time in years I got a chance to remember why I love Joe Nall so much. Hanging out, flying, joking and just getting away...
  13. SleepyC

    Saturday May 9th - 2015 Joe Nall Day 2

    OK, I'm packing up and heading out late tonight or early tomorrow depending on how you look at it. Many of you are already there or just got there last night pulling up to see this: So if anybody is there and can post some pics, let's see what is going on! See everyone tomorrow!
  14. SleepyC

    Friday May 8th - First Official day of Joe Nall 2015!!

    OK guys, today at 5pm the 2015 Joe Nall officially starts! WHOO HOO! I'll be heading down this weekend and I'll start some coverage (and some flying and hanging out, this ain't a corporate awful job anymore!) If you are there and can find some cell signal please post pics when ya can! The...
  15. SleepyC

    ZDZ USA Is Bringing ZDZ Brand Back to the US! Whoo Hoo!

    My first "Real" Gas engine was a ZDZ. Before that I had a bunch of Quadras, Zenoa's (which are great motors) but that ZDZ was the first "sexy" looking purpose built gas RC motor I ever owned. I later bought several others including an ZDZ80 that pulled my 33% WH 260 around like a mad man...
  16. SleepyC

    Sleepy's AW 260 GSN plane. When your flying skills are rusty, make sure your plane looks GOOD!

    Not gonna lie... DIZZZAAAAMMMMMMM BOYEEEEE!!! I called my boy Nick at NachoCheese and gave him my idea. He took it and destroyed the design. It's my first time self installing this much vinyl, but it came out pretty damn nice! I is PUMPED!Can not wait to circle fly this BIOTCH!! ;) Oh yea...
  17. SleepyC

    WFly T-18 Radio. COOL!

    Want a new radio? This is interesting! http://en.wflysz.com/goods/detail/80.htm
  18. SleepyC

    Aeroworks Spring Sale...15% OFF!!

    Some say that May 2nd is the greatest day on earth. That the world was forever changed on May 2nd, 44 years ago. For upon this day the greatest mind of any generation was born. (And a handsome fella no less) Yes folks, May 2nd is my birthday and to celebrate Rocco from Aeroworks has decided to...
  19. SleepyC

    GSN Congratulates Jase Dussia new MKS Team Pilot!

    WOW.. not much to say here but CONGRATS JASE! MKS made a great choice, it doesn't get much better than Jase and his entire family! CONGRATS to everyone involved! MKS - Joe Smith, Jase Dussia... man... stepping up their game! I have to admit MKS makes some NICE SERVOS!! www.mksservosusa.com