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Search results

  1. SleepyC

    Mark Boguszewski: A GSN APPROVED Master Builder!

    Ok guys, Mark Boguszewski has been building airplanes for a long time. I first heard of Mark WAY back when my friend Joe Stek showed up at the local field with the first Boguszewski 40% Carden I had ever seen. It was beautiful.Stunning actually. And it could sit in the sun for HOURS and never...
  2. SleepyC

    Had a Blast Today Shooting for PB Blaster!

    I love my media job some days... got a new client PB Blaster and we are having FUN! I'm officially covered in the lube department. :D
  3. SleepyC

    The "EVENTS" Tab on GSN with RC FlightDeck - Use it!

    Hey guys, if you have not been using the "EVENTS TAB" at the top of GSN, man check it out. It's linked into RC FLIGHTDECK and it makes finding a flying event near you a BREEZE! SO start here: Then you will find yourself here: Look at the right hand side and enter the filters you want. A...
  4. SleepyC

    How I feel after a successful Maiden Flight.

    And I get free personal advertising at 25 seconds. :D
  5. SleepyC

    Redwing RC Product Update June!

    Hey guys, just thought I'd share some new product announcements from our buddies at Redwing RC! And here they are! Pin Flag w/ Hidden Dual Battery Redundancy Switch This is one cool switch. It offers complete dual battery balancing and redundancy with an ultra-small footprint. The new...
  6. SleepyC

    Start Them Out With Gas!

    Hey guys, the best way to get a new RC pilot really excited about flying is to have a successful flight. Gasoline motors make this process easier, less messy and information learned can be used for years to come. Well now there is NO EXCUSE to not start every pilot out on GAS! GGT10 Gasoline...
  7. SleepyC

    Favorite Aerobatic RC Airframe (Style not Brand) - POLL

    Hey guys, let's see what the top of the pile aerobatic airframe style is according to YOU! Here we go! If I missed one.. too bad... these are the most popular I could think of and find that are currently being made. Also we have only 10 poll choice spots so I had to lump them together. After...
  8. SleepyC

    U.S.R.A. was EVERYWHERE This Past Weekend!

    USRA pilots were very active and very fast this past week doing demo flights at major events across the nation. In California at the West Coast Festival of Giants (Castle), pilots Chuck Hebestreit, Don Corum and Tim Foster flew the whole range of current race classes: Chuck flying the brand...
  9. SleepyC

    Rocco from Aeroworks is 50 Sale!

    Ok first off.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROCCO! 50! Holy cow, you are OFFICIALLY on the back side of the hill! ;) I always thought you were 25, MAYBE 30.. but I was WAY off! 50! Congrats on the AARP membership! Anyway.. to celebrate this amazing milestone, Rocco has decided to offer 50% off on his...
  10. SleepyC

    2015 13th ANNUAL XFC!! JUNE 12 - 14th

    Hey guys, time is FLYING by and the 2015 XFC is almost here!!! (I know what?!?!?!) Anyways, Frank and the guys from Futaba have put a good one together this year with even more thing blowing up, more pilot sand more good times! SO here's the run down: 2015 Futaba XFC Event Schedule All Times...
  11. SleepyC

    2015 Tucson Aerobatic Shootout DATES ANNOUNCED!

    From Tony Russo: "The 2015 Tucson Aerobatic Shootout is on! Dates are Oct 14th thru the 18th. This year we will also be doing an invitational freestyle contest with one round on Friday and two each on Saturday and Sunday. Because of this change the number of pilots we can invite in all classes...
  12. SleepyC

    Remembering Memorial Day

    Hey guys as you celebrate this weekend, remember why the holiday exists. There are a lot of men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to give us the freedoms we have today. So no matter what your plans are this weekend, take a moment and remember the fallen. This article from Time Magazine...
  13. SleepyC

    Giant Scale RC Why do this? Seriously??

    So the money, the time, the travel, the explanations to laymen, so WHY DO THIS? AND GO... ;)
  14. SleepyC

    MKS Servo "Selfie" Contest WINNER!!!!

    Ok guys, it was a pleasure to meet everyone that took pictures with all of us at Joe Nall and it was fun to see all the sad mug pics coming in that could not make Joe Nall. And after such a GREAT Nall this year, I was almost glad to see who the universe chose as the winner.... So just a few...
  15. SleepyC

    First In Flight Jet Fly-in, Wilson, NC

    Hey guys, there is a big old mean Jet fly-in going on this weekend, and our buddies Chris Justice and Tom Keating are there taking some pics. Also the page for the site is snapping away and these pics are courtesy of the show! From the looks of these pics, this is a pretty awesome event! I...
  16. SleepyC

    2015 FBI Corn Huck - Who Wants a FREE RTF PAU 60 - 60cc SUKHOI?!?!?!

    Ok guys, you ready for a pretty awesome deal that Terry and the FBI boys whipped up? From what I hear, Terry, The Law and a bunch of the FBI guys grabbed Herve from PAU, ductaped him inside a trailer and made him look at another website until he agreed to give them a PAU plane to give away at...
  17. SleepyC

    81" Tower Hobbies Piper J-3 Cub ARF

    Fly the plane that got America airborne! The classic Cub took to the air in 1938 and in the decades since has trained hundreds of thousands of pilots.The simplicity of construction and easy handling that made the original so popular are what makes this scale ARF the first scale model you should...
  18. SleepyC

    David Kocjančič's Scratch Built Composite Masterpiece Flew!

    Hey guys, a while back I posted a whole pile of pics about David Kocjančič's composite 50% Extra with the Wankel rotary engine. That thread is HERE. Checking out David's Facebook page it looks like the plane has flown! Congrats David!!! From the looks of it, there was plenty of video...
  19. SleepyC

    Joe Nall 2016 = QUIET!!!

    From the TT website: JOE NALL WEEK 2016 – QUIET IS THE WORD! Recent AMA articles have dealt with the issue of noise created by some of our models. Noise is certainly in the top two or three issues faced by many clubs around the world. If we, as modelers, wait for our neighbors to complain...