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Search results

  1. SleepyC

    GSN Grand Re-opening

    Ok guys, after a lengthy battle with a few versions of GiantScaleNews.com we have finally reached the final version! We are very stoked to unleash the final version of our baby. Since this whole project came about unexpectedly, there was no "behind the scenes" development going on, there was...
  2. SleepyC

    Aeroworks 15% Off SALE!

    Hey guys! Who doesn't love a sale?! Rocco from Aeroworks just sent along a message that all in stock airplanes are 15% to celebrate the brand new Aeroworks website! (Hey we here at GSN knows how awesome it is to have a shiny new FAST website!) So head on over to Aero-works.net and check out...
  3. SleepyC

    2014 Horizon Indoor

    Hey guys GSN will be heading out bright and early on Friday and making the trek on over to the Four Seasons Golf dome for the 2014 Horizon Indoor Electric Festival! If you have never been, it's the first big indoor show of the year and it never disappoints! From indoor float flying, to combat...
  4. SleepyC

    Tutorial How To Use the NEW GiantScaleNews ****VIDEOS****

    Hey guys, welcome to the new GiantScaleNews.com. A meaner, faster bad ass version of the worlds greatest Giant Scale RC Airplane site! Below you will find some tutorial videos to help you get YOUR GSN adjusted to your liking! Enjoy! PREFERENCES: HOW TO UPLOAD YOUR AVATAR HOW TO POST A NEW...
  5. SleepyC

    Wanted TEST- LOTS of cash!

    I want cash (this is a test)
  6. SleepyC

    What's Sleepy doing - 10/28

    Hey guys, just wanted to let you know my status.  I would love to be GSN 24/7 but it's a new site and it takes time to build up. SO, I'm working like a moron to pay bills, keep GSN interesting and still do my best to make my wife not hate me. SO generally M-F I work 7am - 4pm at...
  7. SleepyC

    2013 EXFC Video is AWESOME... CHECK IT!

      This is SICK!
  8. SleepyC

    Official 2014 HuckOWeen Pic thread!

    Ok guys, these are courtesy of Shotgun, more coming later!                                            
  9. SleepyC

    The Official RedwingRC 30cc Yak 54 Color Scheme Contest! Open only to 10/26! HURRY!

    Hey guys, just got off the horn with our good buddy Tim from Redwing RC and he asked me if we could have a REALLY QUICK color scheme contest! Of course I said yes and here it is! Who wants to win a brand new 30cc Yak 54 or $300 credit towards ANY Redwing RC airplane?!?! You do right? So here is...
  10. SleepyC

    2015 Joe Nall... What does GSN need to do to take over the world?!

    OK guys, as most of you know I BUSTED MY ASS for Triple Tree when I worked for another website to make sure Joe Nall was awesome. A lot of what I did benefitted Triple Tree and I'm going to focus on that this year too! I'm in contact with the TT boys and they know what happened. They will...
  11. SleepyC

    Who's your RC "CREW" and why?

    Ok, so overall we are all family, but everyone has their tight-nit group of friends. The guys who will drive 20 hours to meet you in some field in the middle of no where to fly all day and hang out all night. SO who are they? For me, I have literally a thousands of friends all over the world...
  12. SleepyC

    Look what my wife did to me...

    Guys, last night was a sad day. The wife got me into a suit and tie for a wedding. I have avoided owning a suit for over 20 years and only wore a rented one on my wedding day. But NOW I own a suit and wore a tie. 43 years old, and I have finally caved. (although I'm fairly sure the airlines...
  13. SleepyC

    Joe Smith LEAVES 3DHS!! WOAH!

    Hey guys, Joe Smith has left 3DHobbyShop today! This was posted to his Facebook page! See Below! Rumor has it he has taken up with another awesome ARF manufactorer. But I will let them tell me it's OK to announce the info!
  14. SleepyC

    *****VIDEO***** 2014 GSN/Rolla Modelers Throwdown Video Recap *****VIDEO*****

    OK guys, this is like just  taste of the fun we all had down in Rolla last weekend. I highly suggest you come out next year!   2014 GiantScaleNews Rolla Fly-In from Airhead Media on Vimeo.
  15. SleepyC

    GSN Throwdown Rolla Pics...

    OK guys, sometimes you're having too much fun to upload... last night was that night. SO.. here ya go... we are bringing OLD SKOOL 3D back!!! 20725=13304-SEC_0001.JPG] 20725=13305-SEC_0002.JPG] 20725=13306-SEC_0003.JPG] 20725=13307-SEC_0004.JPG] 20725=13308-SEC_0005.JPG]...
  16. SleepyC

    Sleepy's Trip to Rolla!

    Hey guys, on the way to the GSN Throwdown in Rolla, MO! Stopped in Chicago to pick up my once lost and now found 40% Carden Cap!! Now we're on the road to Rolla! Wings and stabs riding in the back with me. 2dogsFu***** riding shotgun. Zang we coming to get Ya!
  17. SleepyC

    GSN REVIEW!** Great Planes Citabria 30 - 35cc ARF - PART 2: Wings and Fuse Assembly

    Ok guys, Part 2! The Wings and starting the fuse!
  18. SleepyC

    GSN REVIEW!** Great Planes Citabria 30 - 35cc ARF PART 1: Unboxing and Overview

    GSN REVIEW!** Great Planes Citabria 30 - 35cc ARF PART 1: Unboxing and Overview Ok guys here is Part 1 of our Great Planes Citabria 30 - 35cc ARF Review. This is the Overview, First Impressions and Unboxing. Enjoy, much more to come...
  19. SleepyC

    Guess What's Sleepy is building? Win Stickers!

    Hey guys.. a nice stack of stickers for the first person who guesses what I'm about to build! Muahahahahahah!!! One hint, it's courtesy of our good friends at Hobbico! Expect a totally new way to see a review. No boring sauce here, only what comes in a Box Of...
  20. SleepyC

    How to win a Fly-in Raffle?

    Ok.. this past weekend marked my longest streak in RC history. For the past 10 years I have never won one single thing at a pilots or charity raffle. I typically buy $20 worth of tickets and never win anything. i'm not complaining just courious on what I am doing wrong?!?! Now the reason...