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Search results

  1. SleepyC

    Joe Smith flying the Redwing 50cc Extra 330

    Hey guys, Tim just posted a new video of Joe Smith flying the Redwing 50cc Extra 330. Check it out, Joe seems to be having some fun with the new planes! Nice flying Joe... (Like he's never heard that before!)
  2. SleepyC

    Almost 2000!

    Hey guys, we are getting close to 2000 members. That doesn't sound like a lot, but I think we are around a 95% activity rate, which means that number is HUGE! But to make sure we can be a strong force in the RC community, if you get a chance jump on Facebook and invite all you RC buddies to...
  3. SleepyC

    ARF Flying Bulls aircraft flown by the Red Bull Air Force!

    Flitework, one of the R/C industry’s most- respected brands, is proud to introduce a series of models inspired by the Flying Bulls aircraft flown by the Red Bull Air Force! Available exclusively through Tower Hobbies, these exciting models are officially licensed, incredibly detailed and...
  4. SleepyC

    The FAA just "went there" NOT GOOD. ALL RC Aircraft = REAL AIRCRAFT

    Yo guys anyone see this? http://www.ntsb.gov/legal/pirker/5730.pdf Today the FAA ruled that "any device to be used for flight" is regulated under the current FARs. Including part 91 commercial operations. What they did was to redifine what drones, model planes, helicopters, and multirotors...
  5. SleepyC

    Quick way to ruin family relationships! (Funny but true story)

    SO... to pay bills I've been working at a 3D printer company maker gear.com. My genius brother-in-law MIT grad engineer (and super nice guy) got me the work as he is the COO of the place. It's a small company, 12 employee's and me. And the production floor is noisy. CNC machines and such. I...
  6. SleepyC

    So here is the deal... SleepyC style.

    OK guys here's the skinny. Bart (especially) and I pulled t off. The site doesn't suck. But now we need to focus on the future. Watching things progress, we simply can not compete with other sites. And after some reflection... who cares! We are going to develop our own vibe, our own style and...
  7. SleepyC

    Real Flight 7.5...

    Ok.. I consider myself a non moron when it comes the the web. But I am stumped. I got my Mac Book running windows, and it's running Real Flight 7.5 FLAWLESSLY. But I can not get it to join a multi person flyin. Any suggestions? AS muc a I hate the ownr of RF, it's FUN! Especially the multi's...
  8. SleepyC

    Pre Order the Aeroworks 120cc Freestyle 260 ARF QB-L and Save $100

    PRE ORDER and save $100! That means this bad boy can be yours for $999.95!! Just go here to snap one up! www.aero-works.net 120cc Freestyle 260 ARF QB-L Aeroworks is proud to add the 120cc Freestyle 260 ARF QB-L to their line of QUICK BUILD - Light Series Aircraft. Designed with the demanding...
  9. SleepyC

    Joe "Cool Hands" Smith Working With Redwing RC

    Hey guys, I had been hearing rumors for a while that Joe Smith had found a new airframe home. And today I think we can say it's been confirmed. My good buddy Tim Pastor from Redwing RC has been pretty tight lipped but some recent Facebook activity by Joe and his dad Jim has made it fairly clear...
  10. SleepyC

    New Release: FJ-2 Fury 15 DF BNF Basic with AS3X® Technology

    Hey guys, who doesn't love a good flying EDF jet? Especially a "pull it out of the box and go fly" BNF from Horizon?!?! I'll take two please! This week Horizon released E-flite's new FJ-2 Fury a 36" wingspan EDF jet with an awesome scale appearance and some pretty amazing flight performance...
  11. SleepyC

    Event Coverage VS Home Brewed events.

    Hey guys, I would like some input here. It costs a LOT to cover events and I would like the members input as to which events are important to you. Obviously Joe Nall is huge... but... what about the rest of the year? Do XFC, TAS, Nats matter to you guys, or would you rather see resources...
  12. SleepyC

    Tutorial HOW TO UPLOAD PICS!

    Guys, I see a lot of you uploading pictures. And that is GREAT! But PLEASE look at the TOP pic, it has the option to post all as a Thumbnail or a Full-size pic. You must click one, or your pics will just be attachments. OR you can select each pic as a thumbnail or full size. SO you make that...
  13. SleepyC

    **** VIDEO**** 2014 Horizon Indoor Electric Festival Video Recap

    Here's a quick little recap of the 2014 Horizon Indoor.
  14. SleepyC

    Full Scale and RC plane awesomeness!

    This seems REALLY close... only in Europe!
  15. SleepyC

    GSN, Let's help out the 2015 F3P US Team get to the World Championships!

    LINK ADDRESS TO DONATE http://www.gofundme.com/hl83lo Hey guys, got a chance to chat with Dave Lockhart the 2015 US F3P Team Manager. F3P is indoor pattern with very sophisticated foam airplanes usually with counter rotating props. These planes can weigh so little that a small breeze could...
  16. SleepyC

    GSN Covers the 2014 Horizon Indoor Saturday

    Hey guys, I made it to the dome bright and early today. Well, sort of early, I rolled in at 9:30. I would have been earlier but the thermostat in my hotel room would not turn the heat on, so when I went to bed the room was a bit cold. So I was messing with the settings and nothing was making the...
  17. SleepyC

    GSN Covers the 2014 Horizon Indoor

    Well, I made it! I had some unexpected work to do this morning, so I didn't make it down to the Horizon Indoor untill about 1pm. By the time I got in the door the event was in full swing. From the nice turnout for Friday afternoon I am betting Saturday is going to be off the hook! As soon as I...
  18. SleepyC

    GSN's Horizon Indoor Coverage Starts NOW!

    Hey guys, I am loading up the car and heading to beautiful Columbus, Ohio to attend the JR Indoor Electric Festival. I intend to take a ton of pictures shoot some video and have a fun time! Please if you are there come and get your picture taken, say hi and let me crash your stuff!!! OK here's...
  19. SleepyC


    Check them out, create them, share them.... MAKE GROUPS! They are yours! Here is a few I made! Sleepy's Groups!
  20. SleepyC

    Seriously, Thank you guys!

    Anybody that reads this and was here from the day I was fired... Thank you. Everything was unexpected and I'm really sorry it took so long to get to this point, but it did. I am super proud of Bart who hung with me freaking out every time something didn't work. But at the end of the day, he can...