3DRCF Moderator
Well I guess I will just have to try it both way's and see. Thank you for the feedback. 
Finally got my airframe back from 3dhs and this time UPS didn't munch it. This one is perfect or as close to as you can get. Hardly even a wrinkle or bubble on it. The Fit & Finish is awesome. So now I just need to put her back together and NOT CRASH this one.
Many thanks to 3DHS for a no drama return and sending the new model back so fast. :clap:
Hey Guy's,
Which servo arm did you wind up using on the pull pull system? These Hitec HS7954SH servos came with 2 sizes. The larger is about 32mm and the shorter one is about 26mm. Measured from center mounting hole to center of outer most hole on the arm. I only ask in hopes of taking some guess work out it. Never ran this type setup.
Thanks much.