640cc Uber Pimp
Hmn….I got a new V2 DJ72 that's been sitting on the shelf for over a year now. Was looking hard at the X Cub but I'm cub'd out.
Bazinga! Enter the "Timber 110". Looking at a Pilot Decathlon as well.
Maybe best I just leave the engine on the shelf.
The plane was built as 35cc plane when it first came out at JoeNall 2 years ago and I must say flew really well. Top weight is 18 lbs I believe so Aknick with a 55 is going to be dualistic. But he also added some weight with X-Cub gear and big wheels. But a 72 cc that would prove interesting if it can be done without adding to much weight or none by moving things around that will make for some interesting flying. Go for it @49dimes it will fun to have you build a Timber with Nick and my self. It will be an interesting comparison one 75cc the next 55cc and the third one electric.
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