Well. thought I'd better post something about my Timber build, nothing much to report as I am waiting for servos to arrive and almost everything else. I had to import even epoxy and CA as there are no local suppliers here in the Philippines. Managed to get all the servo horns glued in, rudder installed. everything else is on hold waiting for materials. seriously contemplating putting an electric motor in this thing now, purely for practical reasons and ease of use, I'm a gas man at heart, so it's not cast in stone yet. A little green on my electric set up knowledge. looking at the Turnigy Roto Max 50cc motor, I can't source the eflite 180, or the GP 170 easily. It is a honking big electric egg beater. I did a cardboard mock up to see if I could shoe horn it in and it seems as if it will fit, but extremely tight. Using this motor will allow for good performance on 10 cells there by maybe saving some weight. preliminary calculations bring the electric install within a few ounces of a DLE 55 with fuel. Any suggestions or advice is welcome as I'm not sure my sense of this right. should be getting around 85 amps at full power using a 22/10 prop on 10 cells. 2200 to 2800 (at full power) watts depending on prop. With 12s, 4500 amps plus, and 18 kg thrust is possible with a 24/10 prop, beast mode. Going to order Airtop 180mm wheels and not decided what to do about the gear yet, reinforce it or buy TNT aluminum gear. I'm going to reinforce the bottom strut attachment by running an aluminum strap through fuse to tie them together, may poke access holes in the wing reinforce there, and fabricate thin aluminum access panels.