Is it too soon to start planning my next project? lol
While I was going through the box of plans that grampa's buddy gave me I came across his 1/4 scale Hot Kanary plans. This was 200% blown up version of the Top Flight Hot Kanary for a 30cc.
This airplane grampa re built. He saw it flying at a fly in one day and was enamored with it as the guy was doing touch and go loops. Well one of the touch and go loops turned into a figure 9. The guy pulled his equipment out of it in the pits and put the wreckage up for sale and gampa bought it.
After a winter rebuild, unfortunately it died on test flight day. The radio failed on take off and it climbed vertical, did a hammer head, and never pulled out. Dad jokes that not even the tail wheel was salvageable. That was about noon on April 19th, 1987...... I was born 5 hours later!
The Cowling mold was in the box of molds I got, as well as two nearly complete cowls! So any way, as dad and I are pouring over the plans I see the wheels in his head turning so I put a little grease on them.

I pointed out to him that there couldn't be more than $150 worth of wood in it and probably could build the hole thing for less than 600.
So now dad has $150 worth of balsa on the way from Sig.
When he was starting the paint work, the pin stripes were painted first.
Painting was finished. One of the guys he used to fly with built one the same time and the same scheme that was reversed (yellow on top, blue on bottom).
Grampa's set of plans, they were in the box of things that was given to me the other day.
A note he made with the designer's contact info, and his trim scheme design.... On a paper towel that is 30 years old.... lol
The mold for his cowling and a couple of cowls.
Just thought this was pretty neat, and it does look like it will be my next project but now I'm back to the Krier Kraft