Well I have one aileron finished. I went with the ply control horns that I made, after I chucked it up in the vise and drug my 150 pound work bench across the shop, I feel it's pretty safe to assume the aileron would fail before the control horn. I did brush some thinned epoxy on them to fill the fibers up.
Today I started on the other aileron, which is going quite a bit faster because I already have the horn and slave rod tabs made.
After I put the Dubro hinges in and replaced the supplied cotter pins with piano wire I got to thinking, I know dangerous right? So Grampa made the hinge pins on his Wendell Hostetler Skybolt removable. A ring terminal on the end of the wire held to a plate with a screw, take out the screw and pull the wire out an the aileron comes off. Now in typical Grampa Mickey fashion, it was all inlaid flush into the wing tip (pics below).
Anyway, now I'm thinking I may be cutting the rear top sheeting off of the wing tips and doing this myself.
Left aileron finished and waiting hinge slotting in the wing.
Control horn and slave rod tabs.
Hinges in the wing and aileron on!
I was able to get the hinges flush with the sheeting by putting them in at an angle when the aileron is at neutral. Got a nice tight gap that I will seal with some tape from the bottom.
Bottom of the aileron. I get about 35 degrees of down deflection. I would think this will be plenty as this is NOT a 3D airplane.
How the slave rod tab is mounted, there will be a reinforcement piece glued next to it and then buried in epoxy.
Right aileron just needs the control horn mounted, bottom sheeting, and hinges.
Grampa's Skybolt wing showing the removable hinge pins. To remove the you take out the screw, rotate the pin until the ring terminal is sticking up and then pull the pin out.
Still the most impressive thing about this picture to me is how good the 'Bolt looks.... CONSIDERING IT IS 34 YEAR OLD!!!! Just goes to show how much of a builder papaw was.
Just a closer view. The more I think about it, the more I think I'm going to get to cutting the sheeting off of my Krier wingtip! lol (don't mind the dirt, just needs cleaned
