Betcha you're glad top and bottom wings are the same airfoil!!!
. . . . . Hey, it is finally starting to look like a bipe!!!!
Well tonight I set about making another set of "N" strut fittings and another set of wing tip bows. Then while letting the glue/etching primer cure I started fitting the top wing to the cabanes.
View attachment 91799
Second set of tip bows
View attachment 91800
Another set of "N" strut fittings
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View attachment 91802
View attachment 91803
Hey, it is finally starting to look like a bipe!!!!
Way cool. Are your wing tip bows just sheet balsa laminated? Curious how you formed them and what they are made of. I've heard of guys soaking balsa sheet in windex (ammonia) prior to forming.
Whoops found this!
Tip bow was laminated out of 5 layers of 1/2 x 1/16 balsa and glued up with Titebond II. The sub leading edge is 1/8" balsa and installed first so the sheeting will overlap it, after the sheeting is done I'll put a 1/4" balsa cap on and shape the LE.
But no wood conditioning prior to forming?