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3D 30cc hazzbro extra


Here is the way I did it in my sbach45. Basically just lay out with a pencil and straightedge where you want you hatch (make sure it wont be over any ribs). Then cut it out with a #11 blade and straight edge. Then sand the edge of the piece you took out to take up for the thickness of covering and put a couple pieces of scrap 1/16" balsa strips under the sheeting to keep it from going to far in. I used a magnet to close the hatch on this one but you could just as easily put a couple small pieces of liteply under the sheeting and just run a couple small screws in to hold it in place. If you want to go that route and don't have any small screws then let me know I can send you a few to do what you need.
Its hard to see in the last pic of it covered but once I had the Hatch installed a put a small strip of covering on the front edge of it to act as a hinge and to help keep it from blowing off in flight. My first slab I put my hatches in the bottom of the wing but that proved to be annoying having to turn the plane upside down to get in it so on this one I just did it like everyone else and put them on the top.


  • hatch.jpg
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  • hatch2.jpg
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  • top of plane.jpg
    top of plane.jpg
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70cc twin V2
Confused. Should I install the Stab and rudder front before covering what's the order. Also the Tri stock is thicker than surface should I sand level after glue. Thanks.


70cc twin V2
Cover everything separately. Then assemble just like a normal ARF. Sand all tri stock to the same thickness and all surfaces get tri. H stab is fully sheeted to help prevent flexing.


It's up to you on rounding things. On my sbach45 I rounded the edges of most of the plane. When you do it throughout the plane it actually cuts a good bit of weight off and the rounded edges look nicer.


Yup I even rounded all the edges of the fuse. As far as trust angle it all depends on the plane. My sbach and my lamyak both had no down thrust at all and at the moment I have no right thrust in the sbach but I haven't had much stick time on it. My ChubCub I designed on the other hand ended up with around 1-2 degrees of both right and down thrust. Without the down thrust it flew like it was extremely tail heavy.


No thrust angle needed. Just mount the engine in square and true to the thrust line. Cover everything, trim off carefully where the glue will be , then glue and square it up. If you don't have the manual let know as I can FTP it to you. Mainly now the only thing you have to do is cut a wedge out of the rear if the fuse to slide the h-stab and elevator in. Use a razor saw then glue it back in place afterward then install the rudder.