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3D 30cc hazzbro extra


70cc twin V2
So I'm going to sand to 400 grit. Is that good enough. How far should I take body work. It looks pretty good. Also for covering I'm using ultracote. What do u do on the thin surface covering wise. I would have seems on leading edge. I don't want that. How do u guys do it.


400 grit would be fine. I actually only ever sand down to 220 grit but it's all up to the builders discretion as to how far to sand it. Not sure there is any way to avoid having seems in the covering just a nature of the beast. It's easy to make seems disappear though. Just take your time and always have fresh sharp razor blades. Covering dulls them really quickly and a dull blade tears instead of cutting causing a rough edge that will show up.


Yup seem down the middle of the edges is what I do. 240 should be plenty. Like I said I use 220 but that is mainly because I don't have the patience to keep going further than that.