I've got 15 flights on my new Velox 70. Power is a Motrolfly 4325 310kv on 8S and it's very nice power. However my 104 Slick has spoiled me so it feels a bit tame in comparison. Still more than enough plus I know it will swing more prop than I have on it at the moment (Xoar 18x8). Flying the Velox is super smooth and just different enough from my Slicks that I really enjoy it's characteristics. It's smoother, yet still tumbles well. I'm using Hitec 5565 servos run at a regulated 8 volts and they are impressive! Super fast and center perfectly. So far, in only 15 flights, a superb servo for the money. Also, I'm using Glacier 30C 4S 4000mah packs. I was planning on using Valuehobby.com's Elite packs but waited too long and they went out of stock before I could get a bunch of them. So I ended up with 2 valuehobby elite packs and 4 Glacier 30C 4000s. The Glaciers are about 12 bucks more per pack and noticeably chunkier, but they're performance is better. More punch when you ask for it and they come down slightly cooler than the valuehobby ones. I'm very happy with them so far. Although at $39 per pack the valuehobby ones are pretty nice, and light, and smaller so they fit in a little nicer.
CG-wise, I was a little surprised after reading about how the Velox builds a little nose heavy with the 4350 in the nose. Knowing this I put the rudder servo in the tail and put the battery packs touching the wing tube. I was surprised to see it tail heavy. The packs are now about 3 inches infront of the wingtube and it's spot on. I also have the BEC pro up front as well. It's tempting to go with a pull pull rudder just to move the packs back since it's a tight fit when plugging in the batteries where it is now as it's just shy of being under the cowl.
I'm still learning what this plane likes and my only issue flying is I occasionally get into situations where it kind of just hangs inverted when doing a tumble if I don't either have enough airspeed or maybe I have too much throw in the tail surfaces. It tends to roll over then hang inverted, causing a major pucker! I've had this happen on other airframes and it's just a combination of throttle/throw/inertia that seems to cause it. Again, it's a minor thing that I'll work out with more time.
Overall I'm loving the new airframe. Oh yeah harriers...did I mention the almost autopilot harriers...?
CG-wise, I was a little surprised after reading about how the Velox builds a little nose heavy with the 4350 in the nose. Knowing this I put the rudder servo in the tail and put the battery packs touching the wing tube. I was surprised to see it tail heavy. The packs are now about 3 inches infront of the wingtube and it's spot on. I also have the BEC pro up front as well. It's tempting to go with a pull pull rudder just to move the packs back since it's a tight fit when plugging in the batteries where it is now as it's just shy of being under the cowl.
I'm still learning what this plane likes and my only issue flying is I occasionally get into situations where it kind of just hangs inverted when doing a tumble if I don't either have enough airspeed or maybe I have too much throw in the tail surfaces. It tends to roll over then hang inverted, causing a major pucker! I've had this happen on other airframes and it's just a combination of throttle/throw/inertia that seems to cause it. Again, it's a minor thing that I'll work out with more time.
Overall I'm loving the new airframe. Oh yeah harriers...did I mention the almost autopilot harriers...?