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3dhs 89 slick

Av8r RC

Yes, this is true, however.... we must not forget the Fantasy Blue with Red Bull Vinyl fly the best of all of them :D
+ a gazillion:lovestruck:

I finally got my DA 60 back 2 wks ago, and the weather finally cooperated to get it back out to the field yesterday. You don't know what love is until you don't have an 89 Slick for almost 2 months. I was able to get 8 flights and almost a gal thru her.

I highly recommend the AR9110. That's what I run on mine and never had a problem with it. And as far as ignition battery. Since you can't run a 2s battery unregulated on a DA ignition I use a LiFe battery unregulated.


What does everybody think of the power box spark switch by duralite flight systems?
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Really? That good enough for me. Hey does anybody know of a new 89" slick laying around? I'm trying to find one so I ain't gotta wait till the middle of summer. I should have snagged an orange one quick while they were in stock but I didn't.:(
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GSN Contributor
Another question... What kinda fuel tank do you guys run on your 50cc size airplanes other than stock tank? 32oz fourtitude?

I have the 32oz fourtitude, but will be downsizing to a 20oz tank to make room for a smoke setup