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Don't quote me, as I might be spreading mis-information, but I believe there "sub-trim" was not as refined, so you could be put in the spot where you really need the equivalent of a "half-click" of trim, but are forced to take a full click, which puts you slightly out of trim the opposite way.

That was just one example. Again, if I recall the story correctly, simply stepping up to the next level transmitter was all it took, not switching brands.


GSN Contributor
No way gyro.......not using 2 channel selection DSM2........... I like the channel hopping much better.

I understand... but do you fly at a congested field? If not, it really doesn't make a big different from what I remember. I'm not going to preach as I have the DSMX stuff now, but if I was in your shoes, I'd rather have a dsm2 DX7i, than a DSMX DX6i


3DHS --FLY LOW-- Always OFF TOPIC thread

I'm rocking the DX6i for now, but I'll be looking for a DX8 soon.

The DX6i does everything I need it to do for now, but if I get a radio with extra bells and whistles, I know I'll find a way to use those bells and whistles.

I think once I fly a DX8 for a little while and get used to the extra features, I'll probably be wondering how I got along without it.

I do intend to keep the DX6 as a backup/pony-ride radio.


70cc twin V2
I don't know about the trim thing CrashesALot but as long as its better than my Dx5e haha.........I find that trim has more to do with your servos than your radio. My HXT500's on my CY only move every other trim click. My parkzone mg's move every click.


70cc twin V2
I understand... but do you fly at a congested field? If not, it really doesn't make a big different from what I remember. I'm not going to preach as I have the DSMX stuff now, but if I was in your shoes, I'd rather have a dsm2 DX7i, than a DSMX DX6i
My field has about 20-30 people on a Saturday, 40 on a good day. Kinda hard to find 2 clear channels with 6 people up at a time, all using 2.4.


My field has about 20-30 people on a Saturday, 40 on a good day. Kinda hard to find 2 clear channels with 6 people up at a time, all using 2.4.
How do you figure? There are 80 channels in the band. 6 people flying, probably another 4-5 in the pits working on their planes, your radio will be fine. In the testing that was done when dsm2 first came out they had over 30 transmitters on simultaneously and had zero problems. The only times I've heard of problems due to not having channel availability and thus a lockout was at really large events like SEFF and IRCHA that have over 200 registered pilots with tons of them in the air at the same time. Both of those events have multiple flight lines and likely 30+ people in the air at the same time.
I've used dsm2 for about 4 years now, and have been to numerous events in our area. I frequently fly dsm2 with 5-10 other pilots in the air on 2.4ghz and have no issues at all. I've been to a few events with 25 planes flying at once, a mix of 2.4 and 72mhz, but at least 15 of them were 2.4ghz. No problems. I wouldn't worry a bit about having 6 people on your field at once. DSM2 or DSMX will both work fine.

Now as for the dx6i... another not mentioned disadvantage I've experienced with it is latency, it's just plain slower than other radios. I've flown tons of dx7's, I used to have a 9303 and currently have a 9503. Occasionally I buddy box a new pilot at our field on dx6i's and they feel slow.

It will definitely work, and is a lot better than your current dx5, but eventually you will be upgrading it. If it's all you can get now the upgrade is worth it, especially at the price you mentioned. Just realize that it has limitations and you will eventually want more...


It's limited on number of aircraft it can store, number of mixes available (only 2), restricted end point adjustment (only 125%) and the dual rate interface stinks.

Oh, ok, that's pretty bad. The DX7 (old version) is pretty much the only TX I've owned and I love it. I got it cheap on eBay. RCAddict16, before sealing the deal on the DX6i, I'd check if I could find a used DX7 for almost the same price on eBay or on the classifieds on the forums.