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Scale 50% Dalotel 165

Wet with water, let rest until the start to curl , bend slowly and tape in place till dry, repeat if necessary for extreme bends.
Or... make a mock up of the curve out of waste stock and bend wet repeat on the table instead of in place, that way thw water doesnt effect the wing stock. Like making balsa tubes for wiring. Able to get 1/32" into inner radius of 3/4" pvc pipe, go slow.
sounds like a good idea, thanks, I will definitely give it a try.
for now working on the dreaded wing tips, using 3 pieces of 1/32" plywood,


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Although I had pledged not to use balsa, I broke down for the boost tabs lol and also on this other photo, I am using brown packaging paper to guide all wiring.
I will be using 15 channels, broken down to 1 = throttle, 1 = choke, 1 = onboard starter, 2 = ailerons, 2 = boost tab for ailerons, 2 = elevators, 2 = elevator boost tabs, 1 = rudder, 1 = tailwheel, 2 = retracts.
Using the X8R receiver from FrSky, and using 4 S Bus decoders with 4 channels per decoders, I have what I need and seeing the transmitter has up to 32 channels, I'm all set, everything will also be on Fiber Optics, so the S Bus system can handle all of the channels with no problems


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Defender of the Noob!
OK guys, I need advice, the wings will be sheeted with 1/32" plywood, not a problem but , on the leading edge I need to form the proper curve, any suggestions I'm all ears

similar to what @IMAC FANATIC said but put ammonia in the water to really soften up the wood and make it bend/form more easily. regular ammonia like what you'd buy in a supermarket is mostly water so it isn't generally considered dangerous although you should avoid breathing the fumes too much. the ammonia concentration isn't high enough to really loosen up the molecular structure of the wood but it helps. there are articles out there for bending wood using pressure vessels and anhydrous ammonia but that's much more complicated.

here are the search results from Fine Woodworking regarding bending wood
https://books.google.com/books?id=V...EwBg#v=onepage&q=ammonia bending wood&f=false

i'd probably stay away from steam or other heat methods but it's hard to say anything definitively without buying some stuff and testing it out.

i used household ammonia to help bend 1/16" 45 degree mahogany plywood around a 1" pipe, worked ok but it had to soak overnight to really go into place without breaking.
working on the boost tabs for the ailerons, these will be driven by a servo because of the scale aspect.

Also this will most likely be my last post until October as I am going to Montana August 12th until September 30 to work in the electronics department of the this beautiful Synergy aircraft being developped http://synergyaircraft.com/

I shall be back with a vengeance in October


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The 1/32 plywood sheeting for the wings have been ordered and should be here within a day or two, in the meantime, I have been experimenting with amonia (diluted) from a hardware store for bending sharp radius for the leading edge, and it works, So soon will start the sheeting , stay tuned , success or disaster, I will report LOL