Hello everyone !
Newbie here....strill trying to figure out how this forum works...

Good to know that this 3DHS Slick is so popular......i just got one last week, gonna be my winter project !
I got the brand new version on the 71" Slick (same airframe for gas and electric) and would like to have some opinions about how i'm gonna set it up !
First, the engine...gonna go with a DLE 35RA......seen pretty good comments about this one ! What would the best 3D for that engine ????
For servos i was gonna put the Hitec 7940TH....a little pricey but the speed is good !!!
Any one using dual servos on elevator on this one ? The user manual calls for only one but i got the option of putting one per side....what do you guys think ?
I wanna try the A123 battery technology on this plane, but not familiar with it....i was thinking about one 2300mah...is it gonna be enough for...let's say...3-4 flights without recharge ?
Any tips on setting up that plane ?
Thanks a lot for your inputs guys !!!!