+1 on the float factor on landings, this plane flies really light, doesn't it?
+1 on the float factor on landings, this plane flies really light, doesn't it?
Yeah, I was a bit surprised how light it felt. I have a pretty hefty 36cc engine and dual 2300mAh batteries in it and it still felt really light. Good thing both my fields have a lot of runway and airspace for glide slope, because I'll need it before I'm comfortable harrier landing this thing!
got my mine home today... going to start getting things together for the build:
For the engine, I'm acquired the EME35 that was giving Hone1er so many headaches...
For servos, it's looking like the brand new Savox SA-1258TGs --will confirm soon--
Electronics will be a TBM Powersystem 2 with IBEF, miracle switch, regulator, and 2600mah Li-Ion pack
RX will be a spektrum AR8000
Still trying to come up with a cool idea for some vinyl to make!
Been talking to James about mine.. I'm going w the 1268sg on Lipos from a fromeco wolverine switch through a servo bus from which seems like a really simple setup.
I've got the 1258s on the vyper and they are great the 1268s on 7.4 look insane and with the discount code you get 15% off til 4/30. Since I'm planning on a dle35 I also picked up a standard Hv mg servo for the throttle, 0220sg I think.
What do you think?
I think you're going to love it!