GSN Contributor
+1,000. I use a separate 2s 2200mah battery. It helps when your battery pack flys through the canopy (Don't ask me how I know this)
Don't need to ask, I think I saw the picture!
+1,000. I use a separate 2s 2200mah battery. It helps when your battery pack flys through the canopy (Don't ask me how I know this)
Use a separate BEC! Don't rely on the one in your ESC![]()
Great advice!
Doing some reading again... (uh ohh!) I don't know if I am understanding the posts wrong or if I need to read more, but, does it make sense that some folks are using a separate BEC in addition to the separate battery pack? I know if you were running 3s on a receiver, one would have to regulate down to 7.4 or 6.6, but if your set up for 7.4 on the servos, is there any reason to have the BEC in there too?
I will be running HS-7954sh's all around--straight up--on a 2s lipo (again cause its what I have in my shop).
How about the Hacker A60-5s on 8s swinging a 20x10 or 21x10 Xoar? I think I may have made my decision!![]()
Each servo connector is only rated for 3A (5A max) so if you run 4 digital servos through only one power lead...then you might be starving your servos for power.
Enjoy this plane!! Can't wait to see how much you enjoy it.
Hey djmoose! I have one of these ( for the power lead to the receiver. I assume that this would be ok? That switch you suggested is sweet! I am thinking about just connecting without any switch. What is the reasoning behind putting the badger in the middle?
Thanks for the encouragement! I wish there was a way to get all the folks who've helped me in my setups there for the maiden. I'd be dead without the support here.
I have the Hacker A50-12L on 6s 5300mah with a 20x10 prop and the Castle 85HV. It has plenty of power to pull out of a hover.
I would go for the Hacker A60-6xs and the ICE 100 on 6s. That will be perfect, and produce more power than the A50-12L
How about the Hacker A60-5s on 8s swinging a 20x10 or 21x10 Xoar? I think I may have made my decision!
I like robj's concept of taking it easy on the gear, in addition, I think that sticking with 8s will be easier than having a separate set of batteries for my 74" and the 60" birds I fly, plus I can stick with my CC ICE 100.
This would allow me to prop up to the larger prop size that has been recommended as well as increase the weight a few ounces on the nose. Plus going 8s will help also (weight wise)!
I have been a Motrolfly fan in regards to my smaller planes, but I know that Hacker makes some awesome motors also, so I think after all of this discussion I will go the 8s Hacker route.
But A60-5S on 8S is outstanding in this plane....
You'll need at least the 21X10 if running a Xoar, the 20X10 won't load the motor enough. I am turning a Xoar 20X10 PJN Carbon gas prop on mine, and it has outstanding power (at least for my style of flying.....
Just got this plane for X-mas and really excited to get it flying. I’m still deciding if I want to go 6S or 8S. From what I have read; the 5320 seems like a great motor for this plane. Will this motor bolt directly to the firewall or will I have to re-drill? Which KV is best for 6S and 8S? Also, if going 6S I need to run a separate Rx battery, correct? Is this also true if running 8S? Thanks