Aerobeez 90" Extra 330SC (50cc)
Got a little more work done yesterday, and finished the pull-pull setup.
Chose to go with the Secraft tensioners and couplers from AztechAeromodels.
Here are some photos of everything getting installed:

My favorite tool during this adventure was this:
My long reach grabber tool, to get the wires from the tail up to the rudder servo tray.
So.... I've gotta vent. It took me way too much time to do this setup. I'd really like to see Aerobeez step up their models with pre-run wires. This fuse had too much criss-crossing wood for me to reach my hand back, so it was tricky to thread the wires from the tail up to the servo.
Also, the wire the give you is just BARELY long enough. (It was not cut in any photos above). While I acknowledge that I could have had the servo output shaft pointing towards the tail, it only would have extended each wire by 3/4 max. In my opinion, I think more than 3 of extra wire is necessary to make it easier to work with when looping and securing thread cables.
Another area for improvement: the servo extension wires have no tube to route down to the tail with, so they needed to go over some of the formers to avoid rubbing on the pull-pull wires. Would really like to see a light fiberglass or small cardboard tube leading to the tail for the wires.
Finally, there is no designated spot for the extensions to exit the fuse. I cut some circular holes in the covering, but fear that over time they will tear, and the area where I had to cut (the only place the can exit the fuse into the stab) is larger in height than the stabs.
Would love to see a square or circular slot for the the wires to exit the fuse on a v2 of this plane.
All done: