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Scale Balsa USA Camel F1


Starting to look like a Camel. I cut some 3/16 stringer out of some 1/4 in sheeting I had so I could finish the sides. I have a slitter that I forgot about till this morning.

Directions said to use some Gel CA. Just so happen to have a few tubes. This is great where you don't want the glue to run and you need slower curing time... It is a little slower then thick CA.
That's all I had time for today but I like the way it looks.

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Finished up the sheeting on the fuse. Time to take a break and work on some foamies. Have a lot of things to fix up on them from last season. LOL.DSC_0041.JPGDSC_0042.JPGDSC_0043.JPGDSC_0044.JPG


I have the wing plans back on the table. I have to have the lower wing before I can go further on the fuse.. Still don't have the wing tube sockets from TnT. Should be another week before they come in. I figure I can start on the center section and see if the tube sockets come in by the time I'm done with it.


Here is what I have done today. Unfortunately I need the outboard sections to go further. I'll have to read ahead and see if I can figure out a workaround.



640cc Uber Pimp
Cool. I learned a couple years ago to order all my wing tubes and "building" materials before November. Things take a little longer this time of year.


I started building the Lower Lt. Wing section. This is where I have to build the split. I decided to split it outside of the 4th rib.

Started by making some end caps where the wing is going to join. I pre drilled them for the tubes. Once I glue these end caps on, they will provide me with the rough tube location. I started boxing in the spars on the out side of the spars. The tube sockets will go up against these light ply shear webs and in between the spars for strength and alignment. When the tube socket get aligned and glues in place they will be capped by 1/8 light ply shear webs on the inside.

I also got an early Christmas Present from my wife. A book on the Naval squadron.:fist_pump:

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Slowly getting things squared away. My friend fixed me up with the muffler spacer. Nice job. Better then I would have done on the belt sander. LOL. It fits perfect. However. It fits to perfect. There is no clearance above the muffler for air to pass by. I'll have to change the clearance above the muffler. No problem its only wood.

I did get a few more ribs and some shear webs glued in. I have to scratch build or modify the existing ribs to make them work in the tube area. No problem I have time. :)
