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Scale Balsa USA Camel F1


I wasn't told to change it but I did see a thread about avatars asking them to be toned down before they contacted people individually.

Yeah I saw the same thing and I remember your previous avatar and it wasn't anything that suggestive...I do like your current one too...she's beautiful...


70cc twin V2
Thanks Tom. I think that everyone was looking at my avatar instead of the words I was saying. Lol.
Its ok, that has happened in real life as well. Maybe not as much as it used to.:)


70cc twin V2
Lol. I know.

Tom do you use those little tiny CA glue extender tip applicaters that attach to CA bottles for thin CA? If so, is there a way to keep them from getting clogged? If not where is a cheap source for those?
I got some from Hobby Town and they were $3.50 for six which seems a little steep.


I saw them at Hobby Town also. I get the tips from Handybond when I buy the glue. Don't really know what they cost. I always have a big order for me and my friends. I don't know of a way to keep them from clogging. I want them to clog so it will seal the bottle. Just use my fingernail to pull the glue off. Occasionally I have to cut a small section of the tube off to open it again.


Lol. I know.

Tom do you use those little tiny CA glue extender tip applicaters that attach to CA bottles for thin CA? If so, is there a way to keep them from getting clogged? If not where is a cheap source for those?
I got some from Hobby Town and they were $3.50 for six which seems a little steep.

If that's all you order then shipping will run the bill up...I use Advantage also and Chief..usually put stuff like this with other orders.