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Scale Balsa USA Camel F1


Now there is no water backing up there but the leaves have blown in the corner by the door. Looks like the trees are going to be bare within a week. Sure was pretty last week.


70cc twin V2
I love this time of year with all of the holidays, good food, good friends, and yes, build threads. Lol.

As soon as I lay down some glue I will share some pics of my Stearman. I have most of the ribs cut and all of the spars for the bottom wing. I haven't glued anything yet. With a scratch build there is so much planning about what to do first, and what to do second, since there are no instructions so its a slow process, especially for me. Lol.


I want to see the Stearman pictures when you get going. You should do a thread on it.

Decided to stop being lazy. Went out in the shop unpinned the elevators and took a picture just for Pam. Then Went to Subway for lunch. On the way home I noticed the funny looking raindrops were melting when they hit the windshield. Were getting a rain snow mix and the car temp gage says 36F. That my friens officially opens up the winter building season. I'll still go flying outside if we get some good enough weather. Just sayin.


I cleaned off the bench to set the plans up to build the ruder and the vertical stab. Had a minor setback. I pre bent the wrong strips. I needed 3/16 wide and I pre bent 1/4 in wide strips. I would normally say that's not a problem and sand the excess off but I thought that the strips I used were to heavy. I have plenty of the 3/16 wide strips so I just bent up some more strips. Have to wait till tomorrow to finish glueing up the vertical surfs. 





70cc twin V2
So you made a practice set of bent strips. The next ones should be easy.
I certainly have never made a mistake while building. Lol.


thepamster said
So you made a practice set of bent strips. The next ones should be easy.
I certainly have never made a mistake while building. Lol.
I think the biggest part to building is knowing how to fix your mistakes. Yes. I'm getting to be an expert in that area.


I like 'em "BIG"!
thepamster said
I love this time of year with all of the holidays, good food, good friends, and yes, build threads. Lol.

As soon as I lay down some glue I will share some pics of my Stearman. I have most of the ribs cut and all of the spars for the bottom wing. I haven't glued anything yet. With a scratch build there is so much planning about what to do first, and what to do second, since there are no instructions so its a slow process, especially for me. Lol.
Tseres said
I want to see the Stearman pictures when you get going. You should do a thread on it.


Count me on that too... The Stearman has always been an all time favorite of mine. I kick myself every time I think about how I let my Bob Dively go so many years ago. Was all framed up and ready for last minute touches and covering. Had a Radial bought for it and everything. Perhaps one day I will find another... Looking forward to seeing and hearing more about yours.

Love what you're doing with your build on this one Tseres.


We had just a trace of snow yesterday. Got the shop into building mode. This is the busy season for the shop. Finished gluing up the vertical surfaces. Letting it dry overnight before I un pin them.

My son is over working on his wheeling dealing Swap meet Yak. That means I have to help him since this is his first build. Doing ok. Got the Stab, the Engine mounted. The cowl ring is glued in. Thats it on that today since we have to get ready for tonights opening night of indoor season. 







I like 'em "BIG"!
Maybe a dumb question but I have been wondering this ever since I started watching your build. I've never done a "laminated" structure like what you are doing. Dumb question: When you laminate the sections together, how exactly do you do it? Saturate, curve, laminate and pin into place? Or laminate, saturate and curve then pin into place? 

I find this process very impressive....just sayin'.

Actually, I just looked at the photos again. Laying the curved sections in after they are curved and laminating then pinning...right?