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Scale Balsa USA Camel F1


The whole new site is the bomb! Us early adopters might have had some struggles but SleepyC and Bartman have proven they have our best interests at heart! They deserve a huge Thank you from all of us.


I like 'em "BIG"!
The whole new site is the bomb! Us early adopters might have had some struggles but SleepyC and Bartman have proven they have our best interests at heart! They deserve a huge Thank you from all of us.
It's all a learning process. Ya crash, ya picks up the pieces and ya puts it back together. Next time out, ya take with you what ya learned before and put it to use.


70cc twin V2
The problem with this particular crash is that there were no pieces to pick up. It was total destruction. Lol.
The new one seems to fly better anyway though.:banana-dance:


Don't like the word Crash. I believe I over used that term in my early years in RC :oops:and that's probably why I don't like it.:ooh?::doh!::concern:

Todays going to be a great day. My grand daughter is here visiting while Mommy and Daddy go the Purdue football game. I'm not a Perdue fan except for the diving team. My daughter in laws sister is a diver there. I also get to work on the bottom of the fuse. pictures later. then I get to go to my first Pacers game of the season. Pacers are due for a win. :)


70cc twin V2
Yeah crash is probably too strong of a word for what actually happened. Inadequate software design was actually the problem and that certainly was not the fault of Sleepy and Bart.


The good thing is that they do care about having a great system for us. So far it lookes to be the best system that I've used.


640cc Uber Pimp
Maybe it was a site brown out?

Onward and upward! Tom, curious to see what you come up with for that removable bottom wing you were working on.


Maybe it was a site brown out?

Onward and upward! Tom, curious to see what you come up with for that removable bottom wing you were working on.

The tube sockets are on back order. Already have the tubes. Should be little over 2 weeks before they expect the sockets in.