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Scale Balsa USA Camel F1


70cc twin V2
Sorry about your Pacers Tom. My Mavs have issues as well. I think we lead the league, after 5 games, in scoring but we also lead in points allowed. Urgh.

Sounds like you have a plan in mind for your muffler exit. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Solving problems during a build is part of the fun, sometimes a large part.


640cc Uber Pimp
Tom, you are a metal worker!!! Just make some type of custom little box with a few pipes coming out of it and make that sucker loud and awesome!


DSC_0053.JPG DSC_0054.JPG The muffler is not cast. Yay! Here is the idea I had. May need a spacer to clear everything and I'll have to modify the firewall but I think it'll work.

I tried welding on the scrap pieces. While I can weld it. It looks nasty. I called a friend and he's going to come over Wednesday evening after work and and weld it up for me.
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DSC_0001.JPG DSC_0002.JPG DSC_0001.JPG Once I figured out the muffler. I knew what to do with the firewall. The directions tell you to mount the firewall square and shim for thrust angle as needed. I don't subscribe to that theory. I put 2*down and 2* right thrust in it. I'm planning a 22-in. prop and that will have a lot of torc on the plane. That same thrust angle works great on my Fokker. I'll use that as my starting point.

This is whats nice about building a kit. You can build it your way. Of course if it don't work, I have no one to blame but myself. It'll work. :way_to_go:
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70cc twin V2
When I first saw that I thought it looked like a minnie canister tunnel. Lol.
Looks great Tom. Thats going to look super cool with the pipes sticking out there. Even more cool if it would puff smoke when starting the engine.

Those Dam Heat killed my Mavs tonight. Dammitt.


DSC_0005.JPG DSC_0006.JPG Yup... Today feels like Christmas. Package arrived from Brian at Code 3 Innovations. Talked with him on the phone for a while and decided to get a little more servo then I needed. I can use these servos in a 30cc Aerobat with no problems. Weather I keep the Camel or go to another plane these servos will work in either case. Got 5 1256-TG for the flying surfs and 1 1257 for the throttle. You can bet that I'll be slowing them down in this application. :)
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I finished the muffler tunnel and the firewall. Also finished the front deck on top.

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