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Scale Bud Nosen 1/4 Scale Cub?

I used some 1/8 ply to cover the rear cabin top. I also used the F2 that came with the kit and not needed, to add a center support for the tow release. I should have moved the tow release another 1/4 inch forward, so the servo was on the face of F6, I thought it would be, but missed. I might have to make up a bag to stick over it.


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Thanks Tony,
I've never towed before, so I'm not all that familiar with the process. But I think the tow line stays with the tow plane and the glider also has it's own release. I've got to do some research to find out if there is any interference with ridder operation, limited turn angles, climb angles and such. Don't know how much towing I'll be doing, but probably not much. It is an option though! I think I can also tow a banner with it as well.


GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I'll check it out. Sorry to not be up to speed on your build, the new website layout SUCKS!!! Not a lot of motive to look around here.