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Scale Bud Nosen 1/4 Scale Cub?

Thanks! No need for apology though. I have a hard time catching up as well. Some times weeks before checking in. Keep up the good work on your Cub. Learning lots!
Today, after work, I decided to tackle the rear fairing. I wasn't quite sure how to proceed, so I just jumped in. I decided to put the wing on and use my incidence meters to match up the wing and stab. I also matched up the stab with the wing tube for parallel while everything was just clamped in place. Once I was happy, I glued some blocks below the fairings before removing the clamps and gluing the fairings in place. I rechecked after the glue set and all is good.


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Well, I spent the better part of the last two days brainstorming an instrument panel. I've not done very many of these and I don't have the right equipment to make a realistic one, but I gave it a go anyway. I wanted something back lit, and I've seen one done on another forum, so I gave it a go. I'm using lights from the light kit I purchased for the plane. I built a new F5 for a more Super Cub look. I also found a template online I decided to use for the layout, at least part of it anyway. I couldn't get a good photo with the lights on, my phone picks up too much of the light, but I did get a couple that were ok. I also picked up a Nelitz instrument kit from B and B to use.


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Several small epoxy batches and several hours later I got the front end tri-stock all glued in place, as well as the tank mount. I was finally able to close up the big hole in the side!


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