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Joe's Dad

70cc twin V2
Promoting the hobby is very important because the future of R/C are kids; and if they don't get interested in the hobby, then the hobby/sport doesn't progress. Thanks!
Kids are the future of this hobby. I'm been criticized by lots of people for saying it. So you have my support. Plus its fun watching you fly young man.


70cc twin V2
Wow Anthony, that is some amazing flying...and that is a "break in" flight?!!! crazy good.
Pleasure and honor to have you represent Team 3DRCF:grrreat:
Thanks! great to be here, that was the 5th flight on the motor; so it is still running pretty rich and the 5th flight on an airframe rebuild. It doesn't miss a beat though, that's for sure :D


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Breaking in the new OS 105 :D


Holy what the! Anthony. I need a program just to keep up. Haven't done much with helis other than indoor fun but that is simply amazing! I'll have to mess around on the sim. As if I need to start collecting helicopters now! Not. I'll just enjoy watching talented young men like yourself.
Add a couple more +1000s for me on promoting to the youth.
Merry Christmas team 3drcf
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