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70cc twin V2
Could not agree more, well done Anthony.
Thanks. It definitely is fun to hear all the kids while watching me fly, and hopefully it will inspire them to get interested in aviation / R/c flying.
Holy what the! Anthony. I need a program just to keep up. Haven't done much with helis other than indoor fun but that is simply amazing! I'll have to mess around on the sim. As if I need to start collecting helicopters now! Not. I'll just enjoy watching talented young men like yourself.
Add a couple more +1000s for me on promoting to the youth.
Merry Christmas team 3drcf
Thanks!. A helicopter here and there never hurts ;)
That was wild man! You're an amazing heli pilot! :)
Thanks!, hopefully this is only the beginning. :popcorn:
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Team 3DRCF Anthony Donzella

"Donzo" comes to mind, a tribute to Bonzo (John Bonham, for those of you who live under rocks... :D)
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