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Extreme Flight Owners Thread


Yeah it was the mld I've had 50 flights on it it was in another plane I had it was well broken in

The only thin I need to replace is the cowl I hope they have one in stock if I wanted to replace the fuse it would cost $850 and I'd have to wait for the next container

I'm done with China rubbish DLE mld eme they can all go jump into a lake only DA from now on Aussie made ignitions and US made engines can be trusted china specials can't


Sorry to hear about the engine quitting on you. You'll get it fixed up in no time i'm sure.

I would have gone DA on my 78'' a while ago, especially with all the engine troubles i've had, but the 35cc is taking forever. I'll probably get one for the 78'' MXS and keep the 40cc twin in the Extra. My OS 33GT is on it's way back to me now as well and that was a real power house on the tuned pipe. I'll probably sell that engine for the DA though.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Sorry to hear about the engine quitting on you. You'll get it fixed up in no time i'm sure.

I would have gone DA on my 78'' a while ago, especially with all the engine troubles i've had, but the 35cc is taking forever. I'll probably get one for the 78'' MXS and keep the 40cc twin in the Extra. My OS 33GT is on it's way back to me now as well and that was a real power house on the tuned pipe. I'll probably sell that engine for the DA though.

Ditto on the DA. Hone and I are dueling 78s on the coasts! I can't believe how much easier the rollers and hovers are with this! Has increased my confidence in the smaller frames too. I can't complain at all about the DLE so far. Hope my good luck holds out.


Wicked dueling 78's I'd love to see that my mate is building one now he wants a vvrc 40 for it.

It will be a couple of weeks before I get her back in the air DA Australia will love me DA 60 and 170 in a matter of a month plus 3 EF airframes


I can't wait to bring both my Extras to the field. It seems that one or the other is always down. Maybe I'll make it happen this week.


Hone you have some sweet planes. i cant believe the size difference. i want a 78 soooooo bad. ive made some headway on my MXS repairs. i would have just bought a fuse but i had full intentions to get the 78 and a fuse woulda put a dent in my funds