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Extreme Flight Owners Thread


70cc twin V2
Wow. Better than the MXS? I may have to try an Extra next. It will be one of the few of the popular frames i havent tried yet. I want to try one out soon. I want to pick one style of frame and stick with those. So far my 48 & 64 MXS have been my favorite

Having said that, they all fly fantastic and super stable.

I guess its all a personal thing, I really like the way the extras slow down, hold their line with very little input and the way they track when you add throttle.

The MXS is very, very good as well, I just find myself in a different frame of mind when I fly my extras for some reason, maybe its cause I have more stick time or something??


70cc twin V2
And wouldn't you know it.

today, 3rd flight of the afternoon, put my 60" extra in the dirt try to avoid damn spectators who wandered into my flight path to get a better look.

Tor it up pretty good this time around the landing gear for the 3rd time. No other damage but this will be repair number 3 for that area and she is starting to pack on the kg.

Time for replacement I think!!!


GSN Contributor
And wouldn't you know it.

today, 3rd flight of the afternoon, put my 60" extra in the dirt try to avoid damn spectators who wandered into my flight path to get a better look.

Tor it up pretty good this time around the landing gear for the 3rd time. No other damage but this will be repair number 3 for that area and she is starting to pack on the kg.

Time for replacement I think!!!

Sorry Rog :(


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
And wouldn't you know it.

today, 3rd flight of the afternoon, put my 60" extra in the dirt try to avoid damn spectators who wandered into my flight path to get a better look.

Tor it up pretty good this time around the landing gear for the 3rd time. No other damage but this will be repair number 3 for that area and she is starting to pack on the kg.

Time for replacement I think!!!

Took one for the uniformed innocents! Sorry they didn't know better but selfless act!


Sorry bro I didn't see this post.

I'm an edge fan and I'm getting bored of extra's I just like the shape of the edge's more. Your little edge has a real nice outline in the sky. Saying that if DA had a 88 yak I'd be getting that.

All and all I'll be happy with a plane that flys nice the crackin is a handfull and I've got absolutely no confidence in it at all especially when it's slowed down