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Extreme Flight Owners Thread


GSN Contributor
I want one...but i'm just finishing my build on a 78'' Extra so it'll have to wait. The 78'' MXS is next on my list so it'll be after that one as well.

the 78" MXS will be my first EF gas airplane... which means a longer wait for me since the electrics arrive first.


70cc twin V2
I'm sure the eme35 will rock.

I got a fly on a dle35 yesterday on stock muffler and wood 20x8 prop and it's pretty potent.

Spool up is a little slower then 19x8 but vertical is still unlimited and hovers pretty sweet.

I just gotta get my mate to set up some proper high rates to really try it out.


+1 Roj and gazza don't look past the mld35 it's a strong engine just keep the ignition voltage at 6v and you won't have a problem


What engine are you guys thinking of running in the 78" mxs

I'll be putting the EME35 in my MXS. I just did the maiden on my 78'' Extra with EME35. I'll post the video when it's done uploading. Nothing fancy since i'm breaking in the engine, the video is of the third flight. Still needs more tuning and break in time.


I'll be putting the EME35 in my MXS. I just did the maiden on my 78'' Extra with EME35. I'll post the video when it's done uploading. Nothing fancy since i'm breaking in the engine, the video is of the third flight. Still needs more tuning and break in time.

whats the recommended break in? so many tanks? 50% rpm? etc